News on the topic: arrest

24.03.2008 Four Zhodzina activists arrested for 7 days

Today Zhodzina city court tried organizers of the mass action dedicated to the Freedom Day. Paval Krasouski, Yuras Zhylka, Aliaksandar Kamarouski, and Yury Silkin, accused of organization of an unauthorized action, were sentenced to 7 days in jail.

24.03.2008 Shablinski arrested for 3 days for distribution of printed materials

Youth activist Ivan Shablinski was sentenced to 3 days in jail for distribution of unregistered periodicals. He was detained yesterday evening in Minsk when he handed out newsletters to passers-by.

05.03.2008 Maksim Siarhiyets Arrested for Five Days

In the evening of 4 March, the official Police Day, Siarhiyets and two his friends were detained in a trolleybus for having posted a sticker inviting people to the meeting in honor of the Freedom Day, 25 March, when the Belarusian People’s Republic was declared. Maksim’s friends were soon let go, while he was left in custody till trial. During the interrogation the policemen insulted and beat the detainees.

04.03.2008 Imprisonments for Meeting in Salihorsk

A member of Salihorsk branch of the Young Front, 18-year-old Zmitser Banko was sentenced to 3 days of jail. The activist of For Freedom movement Uladizmir Shyla, entrepreneur, father of the Young Front activists Ivan and Illia Shylas, was sentenced to 15 days.

04.03.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich Arrested for Participation in Entrepreneurs’ Rally

Today by the prosecutor of Maskouski district of Minsk ruled to arrest a leader of the movement of individual entrepreneurs, former police major Siarhei Parsiukevich. The activist was called to testify in the case brought up against him.

19.02.2008 Entrepreneur Viktar Kryval Sentenced to 15 Days of Jail

Viktar Kryval, activist of the campaign For Free Development of Business, was accused of handing-out anti-state leaflets. Uzda court found him guilty and sentenced to 15 days of jail. Judge V.Verdyzh took the opinion that the leaflets which he had distributed continued calls to hold an unauthorized meeting.

18.02.2008 ‘Cold, Hunger, Rats’ – Franak Viachorka about Conditions in Akrestsin Jail

Franak Viachorka, the chair of the cultural commission of the BPF Party, has been expelled from the journalistic faculty of Belarusian State University for poor academic progress. He did not manage to pass his exams in time because of 15-day arrest for ‘dirty swearing in public’.

14.02.2008 Homel: Piatro Kuzniatsou Sentenced to Five Days of Arrest

On 14 February the judge of Tsentralny district court of Minsk Maryia Damnenka punished the opposition activist Piatro Kuzniatsou with five days of arrest for handing out the leaflets inviting people to an electoral meeting with a deputy M.Shauko and Aliaksandr Milinkevich.

14.02.2008 Salihorsk: Aliaksandr Tsatsura’s Driver’s License Annulled

On 12 February the leader of Salihorsk entrepreneurs Aliaksandr Tsatsura was released from jail after 15-day arrest for collection of signatures for abolishment of president’s decree #760.

13.02.2008 Homel: 2 Activists Fined for Leaflets, Uladzimir Katsora Imprisoned for 7 Days

The police detained Andrei Aliashkevich and Uladzimir Shumilin in the center of Homel, while the activists were handing out leaflets to inform the citizens about a public meeting with the leader of the For Freedom! movement Aliaksandr Milinkevich, which was not authorized by the local authorities. Aliashkevich and Shumilin were guarded to the police station, where about 1 000 leaflets were confiscated from them and administrative reports under article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the order of organizing and holding mass actions) were drawn on them.

13.02.2008 Regions: Persecution of Entrepreneurs Continues

The authorities continue persecuting the entrepreneurs who have participated in the actions of protest against president’s decree #760.

05.02.2008 Minsk City Court Justifies Arrest of Anatol Liabedzka

The judge of Minsk city court Tatsiana Yermalovich thinks that there are no reasons to abolish the ruling of the judge Volha Husakova towards Anatol Liabedka.

29.01.2008 Larysa Nasanovich arrested for 15 days

Today Judge of Salihorski district court Aliaksandar Burautsou arrested civic activist Larysa Nasanovich for 15 days. She was charged with participation in an unauthorized rally of entrepreneurs in Salihorski on January 28th.

29.01.2008 Siarhei Parsiukevich beaten in Akrestsina jail

Yesterday Siarhei Parsiukevich, an entrepreneur from Vitebsk, was released from Minsk Akrestsina jail. Parsiukevich was arrested on January 10th. He says, last Monday he was beaten by a police officer. Forensim medical examination confirms, Parsiukevich has numerous bruises and injuries on his body. According to the victim, he also had marks of him being strangled, but they disappeared after a week.

Parsiukevich has asthma and a chronic stomach disease. He says he still did not apply to the law-enforcing bodies about his beating. He says he is too weak for that. The police officer who beat Parsiukevich accused the prisoner of attacking him. At that moment the prosecutor’s office is checking the facts.

On February 4th Parsiukevich is to come to Minsk to another conversation with the investigators.

28.01.2008 Entrepreneur Ales Makayeu released from jail on Sunday

Ales Makayeu, member of the Entrepreneurs’ coordination council, was released early, at 8 a.m. His term was to be officially over at 11.30 a.m. Mr. Makayeu refused to eat during all 15 days of his arrest.

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