News on the topic: arrest

Young Front activist Ilyin to appeal illegal arrest

26.10.2009 Young Front activist Ilyin to appeal illegal arrest

Mikhail Ilyin, member of the Young Front Brest office, has lodged a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office against his arrest in August 2009. According to human rights activist Raman Kisliak, on 17 August Mikhail Ilyin, together with local For Freedom coordinator Dzianis Turchaniak, held a flash-mob action in downtown Brest. The activists were approached by tow persons in plain clothes and as a result they were arrested. They were taken to Brest Leninski police department and charged with ‘disorderly conduct’. On 25 August Brest Leninski Court found Mikhail Ilyin guilty and fined him BYR 140,000. In his complaint, the activist states that the fact of his arrest, as well as the use of force violate his right to freedom and personal immunity, guaranteed by Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

16.10.2009 Young leader Maxim Vinyarski sentenced to 2 days of arrest

An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” handed out leaflets with information abut political prisoners.

The activist was detained on October 15 near “Maladzyovaya” metro station. From the police department of the metro he was taken to the court of Frunzenski district. The oppositionist was found guilty of violation of the Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code – violation of the order of holding mass events, and sentenced to two days of administrative arrest.

Russian national at large

16.10.2009 Russian national at large

Andrei Ozharovsky, Russian atomic physicist, has been released from Astravets town prison, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports. The scientist was arrested on 9 October during public hearings on the projected construction of a nuclear power plant outside the town, where Mr.Ozharovsky was to present his report on the issue criticizing the project. He was later convicted of ‘disorderly conduct’ and sentenced to 7 days of imprisonment.

Russian nuclear physicist got 7 days of arrest in Belarus for criticizing plans on construction of NPP there

12.10.2009 Russian nuclear physicist got 7 days of arrest in Belarus for criticizing plans on construction of NPP there

Russian nuclear physicist Andrey Ozharovsky was detained in the town of Astravets where he arrived to take part in public consultations.

Mass arrests of opposition leaders in Minsk

30.09.2009 Mass arrests of opposition leaders in Minsk

The United Civil party leader Anatol Lyabedzka and the chairman of the Communist party Syarhei Kalyakin were detained.

Anatol Lyabedzka, the UCP leader, was arrested first. With activists of his party he was handing out leaflets about the anti-crisis platform of the United Democratic Forces.

The detained leader of the party Anatol Lyabedzka and activist Alyaksandr Stsepanenka were taken to the police department of Savetski district of Minsk.

Later the leader of the Communist party of Belarus Syarhei Kalyakin was detained while handing out leaflets near the entrance of Minsk Tractor plant.

Oppositionist spent two hours in militia department for spreading anti-crisis leaflets

30.09.2009 Oppositionist spent two hours in militia department for spreading anti-crisis leaflets

Militia confiscated information materials for “expert examination” from Vasil Palyakou, an activist of the United Civil Party from Homel.

On September 29, Ryma Yastremskaya, the ideology deputy head of the Rahachou district executive committee, and a group of people detained head of the UCP Homel region branch Vasil Palyakou, Radio Svaboda reports.

The oppositionist was handing round leaflets calling the local authorities to return privileges for travelling by community transport to pensioners, students, schoolchildren, and physically disabled.

25.09.2009 Oppositionists detained for graffiti “No to corruption!”

In Baranavichy policemen detained tow activists of the Young Front Maxim Akhremenka and Andrei Pershyk.

Young activists were detained for making graffiti. “No to corruption!” was spray-painted on the wall of Baranavichy plant of machine tools and professional equipment, the website informs.

The oppositionists were taken to the police department and reports were drawn up against them. Trials in the administrative cases against the young activists of the Young Front are to take place in a month.

24.09.2009 Plainclothes militiamen tried to guard journalist to prosecutor’s office

On September 23, an attempt to break into the apartment of a Radio Racyja correspondent from Brest Zmitser Kisel was made.

The journalist connects this incident with his professional activities and an attempt to guard him to a local prosecutor’s office, Radio Racyja reports.

Two unknown men in mufti tried to break into the apartment of Zmitser Kisel in the morning. They told the journalist they were going to guard him to the prosecutor’s office.

“These two men said I must have gone to the prosecutor’s office with them,” the journalist reminds.

22.09.2009 “European Belarus” activists arrested for demanding freedom for political prisoners

Youth leaders Yauhen Afnahel and Maksim Vinyarski were arrested by militia in the evening September 21 for holding a picket of solidarity in Minsk center.

About 10 activists of the civil campaign “European Belarus” came to Yakub Kolas Square with portraits of political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Artsyom Dubski in the evening September 21. The young oppositionists were shouting “Freedom to Political Prisoners!” The picket lasted for 20 minutes. When the participants were going to leave the square, a militia patrol detained youth leaders Yauhen Afnahel and Maksim Vinyarski.

21.09.2009 Arrests of oppositionists at Dazhynki fest in Kobryn

Alyaksandr Mekh, the head of the local branch of the Belarusian Popular Front, was arrested ahead of Lukashenka’s visit to the town.

The so called festival of harvest – Dazhynki – took place in Kobryn on September 19.the festival is celebrated in Belarus annually on a large scale. Alyaksandr Lukashenka arrived in the town for the event. Head of the local branch of the BOF Party Alyaksandr Mekh was arrested before his visit.

Mekh managed to phone journalists of, but couldn’t tell anything, we could just hear how he was detained with the use of physical force.

Mass arrests on Solidarity Day in Belarus again

17.09.2009 Mass arrests on Solidarity Day in Belarus again

An opposition rally was brutally disbanded on September 16 in Minsk. Riot policemen prevented journalists from videoing violent arrest detention of demonstrators.

Opposition activists have gathered today on October Square in the centre of the city to pay tribute to the memory of Vice Speaker of the Supreme Soviet of the 13th convocation Viktar Hanchar, and businessman and public leader Anatol Krasouski who went missing 10 years ago. By 6 p.m., when the rally was to start, there were many riot policemen in mufti. Public transport was not stopping on the square on purpose. People were searched near the square. White-red-white flags, banners and portraits of Hanchar and Krasouski were searched.

16.09.2009 Two Young Belarus activists arrested in Minsk

Two Young Belarus activists Nasta Mashchava and Yahor Babrou have been detained in Minsk as they were trying to hang a banner ‘Freedom to Political Prisoners!’ across Partyzanski Avenue, Radio Liberty reports. The activists have been taken to local police department.

16.09.2009 Mass detentions in Homel

According to local human rights activist Anatol Paplauny, some 15 persons were arrested by plainclothes policemen in downtown Homel on 16 September. All of them were taken to Homel Chyhunachny police district. The reasons for the arrests remain unknown.

11.09.2009 Statement of Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’: Authorities again showed complete disregard of human rights

On 9 September 2009 in Minsk a peaceful action of the citizens who came to Kastrychnitskaya Square of Minsk to express their opinion concerning the participation of the Russian military forces in the joint Bealrusian-Russian military training, was dispersed with an exceptional violence.

Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

11.09.2009 Alexander Atroshchankau: ‘Detention in police department can’t be called anything but torture’

Alexander Atroshchankau, activist of the civil movement European Belarus, commented on the treatment of detained participants of the action No to Russian Occupation! by police.

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