News on the topic: arrest

Mikalai Dziadok charged with participation in anti-military action near General Staff

05.10.2010 Mikalai Dziadok charged with participation in anti-military action near General Staff

On 1 October the youth activist Mikalai Dziadok was charged with involvement in the action of protest against the Belarusian-Russian military training West 2009 that was held near the General Staff of the Ministry of Defense on 19 September 2009.

More anarchists detained by police

01.10.2010 More anarchists detained by police

On 30 September the police burst into the apartment of the civil activist Barys Ashchepkau who helped the parents and members of the arrested anarchists to communicate with human rights defenders.

Belarusian militia arrests demonstrators and seizes portraits of killed journalists

17.09.2010 Belarusian militia arrests demonstrators and seizes portraits of killed journalists

Residents of Minsk gathered near Church of St Joseph holding portraits of the repressed people on Solidarity Day.

More than 40 activists of Belarusian Christian Democracy, European Belarus civil campaign, Young Front, and Tell the Truth campaign took part in the picket.

Suspects in assault on Russian Embassy are still in jail

15.09.2010 Suspects in assault on Russian Embassy are still in jail

On 14 September one of them, Tatsiana Semianishchava, was released from the Minsk pre-trial prison after spending six days there.

13.09.2010 Ecologists urge Belarusian authorities to release Uladzimir Valodzin

Ecologists urge Belarusian authorities to release Uladzimir ValodzinThe ecological organizations of Belarus, Lithuania and Russia adopted a joint address to the Belarusian authorities demanding an immediate release of Uladzimir Valodzin who was imprisoned on 8 September on suspicion in the assault on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk.

Homel: administrative case for raising white-red-white flag

13.09.2010 Homel: administrative case for raising white-red-white flag

The Tsentralny District Court of Homel considered the administrative case of the representative of Young Belarus Ivan Zaitsau who was detained by police during the official celebration of the Day of Minsk for raising a white-red-white flag there. .

Five people detained for attack on Russian Embassy get released from jail

13.09.2010 Five people detained for attack on Russian Embassy get released from jail

Five of the persons who had been detained on 3 September in connection with the case of the attack on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk were released from the prison in Akrestin Street on Sunday, 12 September, Radio Racyja reports.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: nobody conducts investigation in such a way

10.09.2010 Valiantsin Stefanovich: nobody conducts investigation in such a way

Aliaksandr Frantskevich’s counsel cannot find his client for three days. On 3 September several anarchists were detained within the framework of the criminal case that had been instigated under Article 339, part 2 for an assault on the Russian Embassy. In three days they were released and immediately detained again, in connection with the criminal case under Article 339, part 1 – connected with an assault on the building of the Federation of Trade Unions. They were to have been taken to the Leninski District Police Department, but this information wasn’t confirmed. The actual whereabouts of the detained people remains unknown.

09.09.2010 Anarchists get released and arrested again

At first 7 activists of the Belarusian anarchist movement were detained for three days, allegedly on suspicion in involvement with the attempt to set the Russian Embassy in Minsk on fire with the use of Molotov cocktail on 3 September. Then they were detained within the frames of a criminal case related to the Palace of Trade Unions.

08.09.2010 11 persons remain in custody on suspicion in relation to incident in Russian Embassy

On 8 September, the KGB detained the civil activist Tatsiana Semianishchava. According to her mother, the KGB officers stated they had found some information at the hard drive they had confiscated from the activist before. There is still no further information about the reasons behind the arrest. Bear in mind that Tatsiana was taken for an interrogation yesterday, on 7 September.

Ihar Chapiha placed to delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street

08.09.2010 Ihar Chapiha placed to delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street

On 8 September the police searched the apartment of the activist of the Right Alliance Ihar Chapiha and seized his computer and other belongings. The activist was arrested and placed to the prison in Akrestsin Street.

Number of arrests for arsons grows

08.09.2010 Number of arrests for arsons grows

The ecological activist Uladzimir Valodzin was arrested in Minsk. On 8 September policemen of the Savetski District Police Department searched his flat, confiscated a computer hard drive and leaflets. As stated to the Legal Assistance to Population by his relatives, Uladzimir is suspected in the engagement with the arson of a branch of Belarusbank in Minsk on 30 April 2010.

08.09.2010 Siarhei Papou arrested at night

This night the police detained an adherent of the unregistered Belarusian Freedom Party, Siarhei Papou. He was taken away from his own apartment and the reasons for the detention weren't explained. The apartment was searched. Most probably, it is connected with the recent attack on the Russian Embassy, during which Molotov cocktails were used, as a result of which a car was set on fire.

Detention of anarchists

06.09.2010 Detention of anarchists

At about 6 a.m. on 3 September, a group of anarchists was detained by the police in connection with the arson in the Russian Embassy in Belarus. One of the detainees was interrogated about the incident near the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk, at the territory of which Molotov cocktails had been pelted, and was released at about 7 p.m. the same day. Mikalai Dziadok, Aliaksandr Frantskevich, Ihar Istazarau, Valeryia Khotsina, Anton Laptsionak, Siarhei Sliusarau and Aliaksei Zhynherouski are still under arrest in the detention center in Akrestin Street in Minsk and are being interrogated within about the arson.

Brest police say arrest of trade union leader Chaikouski was legal

12.08.2010 Brest police say arrest of trade union leader Chaikouski was legal

Viktar Chaikouski, deputy chair of civil association ‘Perspektyva’ and member of the Free Belarusian Trade Union, received a reply from Brest city transport police department concerning his detention at the city’s railway station back on 19 July, Radio Racyja reports.

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