News on the topic: arrest

Crackdown on social networks: interrogations, searches, arrests

31.08.2012 Crackdown on social networks: interrogations, searches, arrests

Pavel Yeutsikhiyeu, moderator of an online community detained by Minsk police yesterday, has stood trial on disorderly conduct charges and sentenced to five days of arrest.

Young Front activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest

23.08.2012 Young Front activist sentenced to 7 days of arrest

Judge Dzmitry Lukashevich of Minsk Frunzenski District Court has sentenced Mikola Dzemidzenka, activist of the Young Front movement, to 7 days of administrative arrest on “disorderly conduct” charges.

Alena Dubovik demands compensation for moral damage resulting from prison conditions

14.08.2012 Alena Dubovik demands compensation for moral damage resulting from prison conditions

Alena Dubovik, detained together with friends during a concert held on 24 March at the Culture House of the Minsk Tractor Plant, sued the main police department of the Minsk City Executive Committee for compensating the moral damage incurred as a result of her stay in the detention facility in Akrestsin Street in Minsk.

10.08.2012 Maksim Viniarski thrown in Moscow jail for supporting Pussy Riot

An activist of the civil campaign “European Belarus” has been sentenced to 5 days in custody.

Maskouski District Court of Minsk refuses to consider Aleh Volchak's appeal

06.08.2012 Maskouski District Court of Minsk refuses to consider Aleh Volchak's appeal

On 10 July Aleh Volchak addressed the Maskouski District Court of Minsk with an appeal against the actions (inaction) of the state institution resulting in inhuman and humiliating treatment, asking to close down the delinquents' isolation center in Akrestsin Street for bringing it in line with the UN standard minimum rules for the treatment of prisoners.

02.08.2012 Belarusian Association of Journalists sends urgent appeal to Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression concerning Anton Surapin’s case

The letter signed by the Deputy Chairperson of BAJ Andrei Bastunets has been sent to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression Mr. Frank La Rue on 2 August.

Missing deputy head of “Platform” is kept in detention facility

02.08.2012 Missing deputy head of “Platform” is kept in detention facility

Alena Krasouskaya-Kaspiarovich, the deputy head of the educational and informational institution “Platform”, who had been missing since the evening of 31 July, is kept in the delinquents' isolation center in Akrestsin Street in Minsk.

23.07.2012 Ivan Amelchanka goes on hunger strike in jail

Ivan Amelchanka, who was sentenced to 12 days in custody, appealed against a refusal to register his initiative group in the Central Election Commission.

19.07.2012 Jail officers accept medicines for environmental activist Novikava

Officers of the detention center on Akrestsina Street in Minsk accepted Thursday medicines for environmental activist Tatsyana Novikava, who had her thyroid gland removed.

Two more anti-nuclear protesters sentenced to short prison terms

19.07.2012 Two more anti-nuclear protesters sentenced to short prison terms

Tatsiana Novikava, coordinator of a campaign against the construction of a nuclear power plant, and Russian physicist Andrey Ozharovsky were sentenced yesterday evening to 5 and 10 days of administrative arrest respectively, after Minsk Leninski District Court found them guilty of disorderly conduct.

18.07.2012 Human rights activist Kasya Halitskaya jailed for 10 days

The sentence has been pronounced by judge Tatstsyana Matyl who is "blacklisted" by the EU.

Minsk court convicts Young Front activists

17.07.2012 Minsk court convicts Young Front activists

Judge Maksim Lapko of Minsk Kastrychnitski District Court has convicted two Young Front members on disorderly conduct charges.

Vitsebsk: Alena Semenchukova complains about incarceration conditions

09.07.2012 Vitsebsk: Alena Semenchukova complains about incarceration conditions

Vitsebsk activist of the “European Belarus” lodged an appeal to the Vitsebk Region Procuracy concerning the inappropriate conditions in the temporary detention facility in Vitsebsk. Alena Semenchukova demands that the procuracy require the MIA board of the Vitsebsk Region Executive Committee to improve the situation.

Alena Semenchukova, sentenced to 10 days of arrest, declares hunger-strike

06.07.2012 Alena Semenchukova, sentenced to 10 days of arrest, declares hunger-strike

On 5 July Judge of the Chyhunachny District Court of Vitsebsk Ina Hrabouskaya sentenced Alena to ten days of arrest under Article 23.34, “violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events”.

06.07.2012 Minsk City Court leaves journalist Pavel Sviardlou in jail

Minsk City Court has considered the appeal lodged by Euroradio journalist Pavel Sviardlou today, on 6 July. Only the lawyer attended the hearing.

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