News on the topic: discrimination

08.12.2008 State saves money at the expense of medics’ wages

Medical professionals of one of the out-patient hospitals in Kobryn left working places protesting against cancelled advance of salary.

11.11.2008 Siarhei Skrabets is denied employment at Minsk Automobile Plant for political reasons

The former member of the house of representatives and opposition politician Siarhei Skrabets can’t find a job. Another attempt to apply for a job of a foreman in a foundry shop of the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) was unsuccessful. Though there is a vacancy here, Skrabets was denied the job.

06.10.2008 Zhana Abramava’s complaint against gender discrimination turned down

The procuracy of Leninski district of Brest turned down the complaint of the oppositional activist Zhana Abramava against inadequate conditions at the temporary isolator of Leninski district police department of Brest.

11.02.2008 New Professional Restrictions

A special permission by the authorities, named as professional and psychological interview or testing, is needed to study such disciplines as international activity, journalism, law.

15.01.2008 Fired Not to Be Paid

The activist of the For Freedom movement, lawyer of the Kamunalnik enterprise Tatsiana Sadouskaya has been fired.

14.01.2008 Hantsavichy Authorities Interfere with Work of Independent Journalists

The journalist of a non-state newspaper Hantsavitski Chas Iryna Damaratskaya was not admitted to the awarding of the best pupils and teachers of the district that took place on 9 January in Hantsavichy culture palace.

14.01.2008 Become Member of Pro-Lukashenka Youth Union to Enter University?

Soon there will be enforced the new rules for entering high schools. The Ministry of Education proposes to introduce a norm obliging the pretenders to education on a number of specialities to present letters of introduction.

27.11.2007 Popular Front party members denied accommodation in Minsk hotels

The Party of the Belarusian Popular Front has failed to reach an agreement with the hotels in Minsk in order to accommodate the delegates of the party's congress to take place on December 8-9.

19.11.2007 Belaya Rus Elects Education Minsiter Chairman

he Constituent Assembly of the national public association “Belaya Rus” (“White Russia”) was held on Nobemver 17th in the Palace of the Republic in Minsk. The members of the initiative group of this strange organization are rather motley: National Bank head Piotar Prakapovich, Minsk municipal executive committee Mikhail Paulau, sportsmen Ivan Tsikhan, Natallia Tsalinskaya, and Yulia Niestsiarenka, singer Iryna Darafeyeva, and others.

14.11.2007 Human Rights Activists Demand to Abolish Forced State Assignment of Graduates

This year 65 criminal cases have been brought against the high school graduates who failed to get to the places of work assignment. The present legislation treats such behavior as evasion from duties and demands from the people to pay off the costs that had been already spent by the state for their education. The numbers differ, but in general it is about 3-5 thousand US dollars, the average wage being about 200 dollars.

03.11.2007 Belarusian Social-Democratic Party ‘Narodnaya Hramada’ Cannot Rent Room for Constituent Assembly

The event is scheduled for 17 November. However, according to the leader of social-democrats Mikalai Statkevich, the party representatives cannot find a room to rent.

03.11.2007 People Can Be 'Fined' for Complaining to State Organs

On 15 January 2008 a presidential decree about additional measures on work with applications of individuals and legal organs will come into force.

26.10.2007 Obligatory assignment contradicts Constitution

In Belarus, 65 civil suits have been launched against the students who did not take the employment they had been assigned to within the policy of obligatory assignment of college and university students. Lawyer Valiantsin Stefanovich comments the situation.

25.10.2007 Narodnaya Volia Journalists Can’t Go Abroad

Employees of the independent newspaper Narodnaya Volia can not receive the stamp that permits to go abroad for three weeks already. The department for citizenship and migration explains, the documents are checked by the Committee for State Security (KGB).

24.10.2007 Minister of Education Calls Classic Belarusian Language “Unlawful”

Today the Chamber of Representatives passed the Law “About Rules of Belarusian Orthography and Punctuation” in the first reading.

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