News on the topic: torture

Brest: cassation appeal of beaten pensioner turned down

14.10.2011 Brest: cassation appeal of beaten pensioner turned down

Andrei Leshchanka, Judge of the Brest Region Court, turned down the cassation appeal against the verdict of the Biaroza District Court on case of Halina Kavalevich.

Homel: Kanstantsin Zhukouski was handcuffed to radiator

12.10.2011 Homel: Kanstantsin Zhukouski was handcuffed to radiator

Political activist Zhukouski wanted to attend the trial of Valery Sliapukhin. As far as Judge Illia Svirydau postponed the trial to an unknown time, Zhukouski tried to ask the judge and the secretary about it. However, he didn't find them in their rooms. That's why he came to Tatsiana Adrynets, chairwoman of the Chyhunachny District Court of Homel. She answered that the trial would continue at 3 p.m. However, Mr. Zhukouski noticed that the judge intended to continue the trial during the dinner break.

Belarusian police: smothering people to prevent epileptic attack

11.10.2011 Belarusian police: smothering people to prevent epileptic attack

The Pershamaiski District Procuracy of Minsk refused to to initiate a criminal investigation into the beating of a pensioner, Uladzimir Marozau, by police officers on 6 July.

07.10.2011 Are defendants in the metro blast case beaten in prison?

Lawyers have attracted attention of the court that their clients have bruises and abrasions in the beginning of the preliminary investigation.

Procuracy justifies beating of prisoners in Ivatsevichy colony

05.10.2011 Procuracy justifies beating of prisoners in Ivatsevichy colony

The Brest region procuracy gave an answer to the informational-educational institution “Platform”, headed by Andrei Bandarenka. The organization asked to hold a check-up on the beating of some prisoners in the Ivatsevichy colony, including Ramiz Mamedau.

FIDH and Viasna: Inhumane treatment and threats to the lives of Belarusian political prisoners must stop!

05.10.2011 FIDH and Viasna: Inhumane treatment and threats to the lives of Belarusian political prisoners must stop!

Paris-Minsk, 4 October 2011 – International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and its member organisation in Belarus, Human Rights Center “Viasna”, strongly condemn the inhuman treatment of political prisoners in Belarusian prisons. Reliable sources indicate that psychological and physical pressure continues on political prisoners still in detention in Belarus, including death threats, unjustified transfers and appalling health care provision.

03.10.2011 Iryna Khalip addresses Putin's and Medvedev's wives

The open letter of journalist and wife of the Belarusian ex-presidential candidate Andri Sannikau Iryna Khalip has been published in today's issue of the Russian “Novaya Gazeta”. Iryna turns the attention of Lyudmila Putina and Svetlana Medvedeva to the fact that the situation with Andrei Sannikau is crucial.

Viasna demands to stop harassment of Sannikau and Dashkevich

23.09.2011 Viasna demands to stop harassment of Sannikau and Dashkevich

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” expresses its concern over the transfers of political prisoners Andrei Sannikau and Zmitser Dashkevich.

21.09.2011 Kanavalau claims tortures at interrogation on April 18

Dzmitry Kanavalau refused from his earlier testimony at the interrogation on April 18.

15.09.2011 Political prisoners are threatened with rape

Political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich his daughter on 14 September. The daughter of imprisoned presidential candidate Mikalai Statkevich says that it was the first time when her father could talk to her since his arrest on 19 December 2010.

Biaroza: administrative case against beaten woman is dropped

14.09.2011 Biaroza: administrative case against beaten woman is dropped

On 13 September the Biaroza District Court finished the consideration of the administrative case against Halina Kavalevich, Chair of the Biaroza district unit of the Conservative-Christian Party Belarusian Popular Front.

14.09.2011 Military procuracy casts a veil of secrecy over tortures in KGB prison

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee has received an answer to his request to hold a check-up concerning the statement of the former presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau about tortures in the remand prison of the KGB.

13.09.2011 Political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich goes on hunger-strike

On 13 September Zmitser Dashkevich, a prominent political activist imprisoned for two years on fabricated charges, had a meeting with his lawyer in penal colony #9 in Horki. The lawyer came there to take part in the court proceedings concerning the change of the prison regime to Dashkevich to keeping in a closed prison.

05.09.2011 Administrator of Vkontakte group made statement about torture

Recently Siarhei Pauliukevich has issued a video address to Internet users in which he told about torture and recruitment by KGB agents.

Baranavichy: beaten and fined

01.09.2011 Baranavichy: beaten and fined

On 30 August 2011 the Baranavichy Town and District Court fined civil activist Aliaksandr Vaitseshyk for insubordination to lawful demands of police officer (Article 23.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses).

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