News on the topic: torture

10.04.2014 "BelSat" journalist beaten in Donetsk

Ales Barazenka, a correspondent of Belsat Belarusian TV channel,was attacked in Donetsk. Barazenka was attacked by strangers after shooting a news story, Belsat reports.

Mahiliou police drop administrative case concerning the beating of a candidate for deputy

07.04.2014 Mahiliou police drop administrative case concerning the beating of a candidate for deputy

The case was dismissed due to the absence of administrative offense. Such a response was received from the police by a former candidate for Mahiliou city and regional councils Aliaksei Paulouski.

Kalinkavichy: new proceedings started against UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

13.03.2014 Kalinkavichy: new proceedings started against UCP activist Dzianis Rabianok

March 12, activist of the United Civil Party Dzianis Rabianok learned that new court proceedings had been started against him on a civil lawsuit of his neighbor, who demands that the activist pay him 10 million rubles as compensation for moral damages and lawyer's services. According to the writ handed to Mr. Rabianok, the hearings start on March 21.

Belarusian police marked their holiday day by torturing detainee

06.03.2014 Belarusian police marked their holiday day by torturing detainee

Late in the evening of 4 March, the Day of Belarusian Police, activist of the National-Bolshevik movement Dzmitry Paliyenka, who had been repeatedly arrested on fabricated charges, was detained by a police patrol near a fresh graffiti “Down with Police State!”

Continuation of the trial over Viktar Sharshun and white-red-white flag

06.03.2014 Continuation of the trial over Viktar Sharshun and white-red-white flag

The Tsentralny District Court of Minsk held another hearing on the case of Minsker Viktar Sharshun, beaten by the police for hanging a white-red-white flag on his balcony.

Liudmila Kuchura applies to the Office of Prosecutor General and the Parliament concerning the ineffectiveness of investigations into allegations of torture

06.03.2014 Liudmila Kuchura applies to the Office of Prosecutor General and the Parliament concerning the ineffectiveness of investigations into allegations of torture

Though Minsker Liudmila Kuchura has taken much effort, she still cannot get a punishment for the administration and staff of penal colony No, 15 in Mahiliou, where her husband was tortured with clorine while serving his prison term.

Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

03.03.2014 Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

On Match 3 Judge of the Tsentralny District Court Valery Yesman, started considering the “disagreement of Viktar Sharshun to the administrative proceedings against him” - this is the formulation with which the Tsentralny District Prosecutor's Office of Minsk forwarded to the court Mr. Sharshun's appeal against unlawful actions of the police and the request to punish the perpetrators.

Man gets beaten by police for hanging out a white-red-white flag on his balcony

11.02.2014 Man gets beaten by police for hanging out a white-red-white flag on his balcony

Viktar Sharshun was at home on February 8 when strangers rang the bell. They said that they were communal services workers. In fact, they were policemen. They did not introduce themselves and ordered Sharshun to remove the white-red-white flag from the balcony, claiming it was an unregistered symbol.

15.01.2014 Yauhen Vaskovich has served 247 days in penal cell

Executive secretary of the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy Dzianis Sadouski said told the press service of the BCD on the situation of a political prisoner, member of the BCD Yauhen Vaskovich, who is under strongly pressurized by the administratioon of prison No. 4 in Mahiliou.

Appeal against torture in Mahiliou penal colony filed with Mahiliou Regional Court

14.01.2014 Appeal against torture in Mahiliou penal colony filed with Mahiliou Regional Court

Minsker Liudmila Kuchura applied to Mahiliou Regional Court after the refusal of the Investigative Committee to examine the complaint about torture of her husband Piatro Kuchura in colony No. 15 in Mahiliou.

Liudmila Kuchura: “The administration of the penitentiary hurried to transfer my husband to prison”

10.01.2014 Liudmila Kuchura: “The administration of the penitentiary hurried to transfer my husband to prison”

December 30, 2013 prisoner Piatro Kuchura, who was serving a sentence in penal colony No. 15 who disturbed the administration defending his rights, was transferred to the maximum security prson No. 4 in Mahiliou for three years.

Information about torture in KGB jail is “state secret”

18.12.2013 Information about torture in KGB jail is “state secret”

Upon release from the KGB detention center in March 2011 former presidential candidate Ales Mikhalevich reported numerous facts of abuse and torture, and filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office urging the officials to investigate the allegations.

Body of Ihar Ptsichkin exhumed

10.12.2013 Body of Ihar Ptsichkin exhumed

According to Ihar's relatives, the exhumation was conducted on 4 December. The results of the re-autopsy will be known in a month.

Investigative Committee “sees no reasons” to punish the personnel of Mahiliou penitentiary for torture

10.12.2013 Investigative Committee “sees no reasons” to punish the personnel of Mahiliou penitentiary for torture

Minsk resident Liudmila Kuchura, whose husband was tortureed with chlorine in the penitentiary No. 15 in Mahiliou, received a reply from the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus to the complaint in which she requested to initiate a criminal case on this fact.

Investigator ignores the demands of the prosecutor in the case concerning the death of a detainee in Svetlahorsk

06.12.2013 Investigator ignores the demands of the prosecutor in the case concerning the death of a detainee in Svetlahorsk

Svetlahorsk district prosecutor Uladzimir Tarasenka agrees with the arguments of the human rights defenders of "Viasna" stated in the appeal against the refusal to open a criminal investigation into the death of Aliaksandr Akulich in the Svetlahorsk detention center, but the policemen A. Bachko and R. Stseshankou remain unpunished.

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