News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Uladzimir Kondrus sentenced to 1.5 years of personal restraint and forced treatment

26.12.2016 Uladzimir Kondrus sentenced to 1.5 years of personal restraint and forced treatment

The Court of Maskoŭski district of Minsk sentenced today Uladzimir Kondrus, the last defendant in the December 2010 riot trial, to 1.5 years of personal restraint and forced outpatient treatment, finding the defendant to be partially insane, which was taken into account as a mitigating circumstance. The sentence also absorbed the period of pre-trial detention.

FIDH: Andrei Bandarenka faces extention of his prison term under new criminal charges

30.11.2016 FIDH: Andrei Bandarenka faces extention of his prison term under new criminal charges

FIDH denounces opening of a new case against imprisoned human rights defender Andrei Bandarenka, previously expert on monitored detention facilities. Even if his sentence in 2014 was not related to his human rights activities, FIDH considers the repeated criminal prosecution as a form of politically motivated pressure for his previous human rights activities and calls for dropping of charges.

Stop persecution of Andrei Bandarenka. Joint statement by Belarusian human rights organizations

29.11.2016 Stop persecution of Andrei Bandarenka. Joint statement by Belarusian human rights organizations

Joint statement by representatives of the Belarusian human rights community on new criminal charges against Andrei Bandarenka

Imprisoned human rights activist Andrei Bandarenka faces fresh criminal charges

25.11.2016 Imprisoned human rights activist Andrei Bandarenka faces fresh criminal charges

On November 14, the Mahilioŭ interdistrict department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under Part 2 of Article 411 of the Criminal Code (“willful disobedience to the correctional institution administration”) against human rights activist Andrei Bandarenka, who is currently serving a 3-year sentence in prison No. 4.

Political prisoner Uladzimir Kondrus attempts to cut wrists in courtroom, trial postponed till mid-December

18.11.2016 Political prisoner Uladzimir Kondrus attempts to cut wrists in courtroom, trial postponed till mid-December

On November 16, the Court of Maskoŭski district of Minsk opened a hearing of criminal charges brought against Uladzimir Kondrus for his alleged involvement in riots outside the Government House in December 2010.

Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

15.11.2016 Viasna demands to release Aliaksandr Lapitski from psychiatric hospital and to decriminalize defamation offenses

On November 14, it became known that Aliaksandr Lapitski, 80, was forcibly sent to a psychiatric hospital, after a court decision in the criminal case against him had entered into force.

Palchys given non-custodial sentence, released in court

29.10.2016 Palchys given non-custodial sentence, released in court

Eduard Palchys, the founder of pro-opposition website, was released in court on Friday after a judge imposed a non-custodial sentence on him.

Activist Dzmitry Paliyenka awarded 2-year suspended sentence, released in courtroom

12.10.2016 Activist Dzmitry Paliyenka awarded 2-year suspended sentence, released in courtroom

The court of Centraĺny district of Minsk announced today its verdict in the case of activist Dzmitry Paliyenka, who was charged with beating a traffic policeman during the Critical Mass cycling protest on April 29.

Critical blogger’s son sentenced to 1 year in prison

29.09.2016 Critical blogger’s son sentenced to 1 year in prison

Aliaksei Miliukou, the son of blogger Aleh Zhalnou, has been sentenced to 1-year imprisonment on charges of ‘evading the serving of punishment” (Article 415 of the Criminal Code). The Navapolack Court found him guilty of refusing to observe the rules while serving a 3-year sentence in an open-type prison. extremism case breach of right to fair trial, Viasna expert says

29.08.2016 extremism case breach of right to fair trial, Viasna expert says

On August 25, the Court of Minsk’s Centraĺny district said that the website contained extremist publications, a fact that paves way to the criminal conviction of its founder, Eduard Palchys, who is currently awaiting trial in a jail in Žodzina.

Court finds extremism in case

26.08.2016 Court finds extremism in case

Nine articles published on the website contain elements of extremism, according to a decision by the Court of Minsk’s Centraĺny district of August 25.

Ales Bialiatski calls for solidarity with political prisoner Uladzimir Kondrus

12.08.2016 Ales Bialiatski calls for solidarity with political prisoner Uladzimir Kondrus

Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski has sent a postcard to Uladzimir Kondrus and encourages everyone to express their support for the political prisoner, who is currently held in the Minsk detention facility in Valadarski Street.

Uladzimir Kondrus’s father: “We are shocked. He’s half dead”

10.08.2016 Uladzimir Kondrus’s father: “We are shocked. He’s half dead”

On August 9, the parents of Uladzimir Kondrus, another person charged of involvement in the December 2010 rioting case, were allowed, for the first time in two months, to visit their son at the detention center in Minsk.

Another person charged over December 2010 post-election riot

03.08.2016 Another person charged over December 2010 post-election riot

Uladzimir Kondrus, a resident of the town of Rudziensk, Minsk region, is held in custody at jail No. 1 in Minsk, according to information received by the Human Rights Center "Viasna".

Viasna writes to UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention over Dzmirty Paliyenka case

20.07.2016 Viasna writes to UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention over Dzmirty Paliyenka case

The Human Rights Center “Viasna” has informed the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention about the pre-trial detention of Belarusian activist Dzmitry Paliyenka, who is currently held in custody awaiting trial over his involvement in the Critical Mass cycling event on April 29 in Minsk.

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