News on the topic: criminal prosecution

The statement on the recognition of 10 people as political prisoners

21.05.2024 The statement on the recognition of 10 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

"I thought that if I fell asleep, I would wake up in a cell again." Ex-political prisoners on their psychological state on both sides of the bars

20.05.2024 "I thought that if I fell asleep, I would wake up in a cell again." Ex-political prisoners on their psychological state on both sides of the bars

Asia Bulybenka and former political prisoner Alina (name changed for security reasons) shared their stories.

Criminal case initiated against Belarusians who took part in Freedom Day demonstrations around the world

17.05.2024 Criminal case initiated against Belarusians who took part in Freedom Day demonstrations around the world

The Committee writes that 104 surnames have been added to the list of suspects in the case of Belarusians abroad.

"I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

16.05.2024 "I started to lose consciousness," Vadzim Khizhniakou on the consequences of mold allergy in a prison cell

As part of the Week of Solidarity with Political Prisoners in Belarus, Viasna has prepared a number of videos where former political prisoners share their stories about sub-standard and untimely medical care in places of detention.

At least 161 people convicted in criminal political cases in April

15.05.2024 At least 161 people convicted in criminal political cases in April

Viasna reports the specifics of the criminal prosecution for political reasons in April.

Statement of the founders of Doctors for Truth and Justice

15.05.2024 Statement of the founders of Doctors for Truth and Justice

The KGB of Belarus has recognized the members of the organization as an extremist formation.

"I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

08.05.2024 "I'm probably just going to die here": The situation of political prisoners from vulnerable groups

Human rights activists have identified at least 254 political prisoners who are at particular risk of mistreatment while incarcerated.

We demand the rehabilitation of 26 former political prisoners

06.05.2024 We demand the rehabilitation of 26 former political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Seven young people detained. Some of them accused of "terrorism" and "treason against the state"

02.05.2024 Seven young people detained. Some of them accused of "terrorism" and "treason against the state"

ONT released a film Children in the Crosshairs. It showed the detention of seven teenagers for "cooperation with the Ukrainian special services".

The case of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya's analysts has been sent to the Supreme Court

30.04.2024 The case of Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya's analysts has been sent to the Supreme Court

According to the case materials, all 20 analysts are accused of committing crimes of an extremist nature in connection with the campaign for the presidential elections, as well as in the post-electoral period.

"They are trying to do everything to wipe the smile off your face forever"

30.04.2024 "They are trying to do everything to wipe the smile off your face forever"

A former political prisoner told Viasna about the naked search, voting in the elections in Žodzina prison, and the move from Valadarka to Kaliadzičy.

"If you don't sign it, then your wife will go to prison, and your kids will be taken away by the children's services." Serhii Melyanets spoke about his detention

25.04.2024 "If you don't sign it, then your wife will go to prison, and your kids will be taken away by the children's services." Serhii Melyanets spoke about his detention

Once safe, Serhii told Viasna his story of persecution.

"They break their own rules of special proceedings." The case against Leanid Sudalenka was transferred to the court

24.04.2024 "They break their own rules of special proceedings." The case against Leanid Sudalenka was transferred to the court

It is known that there are two volumes of the case materials, but the essence of the accusation is still unknown.

The statement on the recognition of 15 people as political prisoners

22.04.2024 The statement on the recognition of 15 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

The statement on the recognition of 11 people as political prisoners

17.04.2024 The statement on the recognition of 11 people as political prisoners

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

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