News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Twenty one people recognized as political prisoners

18.05.2023 Twenty one people recognized as political prisoners

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

Andrei Ashurak: “Bringing Vitold's case to an end is important for the whole society”

17.05.2023 Andrei Ashurak: “Bringing Vitold's case to an end is important for the whole society”

Viasna talked to Andrei Ashurak, Vitold’s brother, about the testimonies of Vitold’s fellow prisoners, the investigation, and the restoration of justice.


Liquidation, arrests, trials, and expulsion. After 27 years of repression, Viasna continues its activities

15.05.2023 Liquidation, arrests, trials, and expulsion. After 27 years of repression, Viasna continues its activities

What follows is a chronicle of the persecution of Viasna human rights defenders over the 27 years of the activity of the organization.

Cultural activist Pavel Belavus receives 13 years in jail

11.05.2023 Cultural activist Pavel Belavus receives 13 years in jail

Belavus was convicted under four articles of the Criminal Code, including “high treason”.

Out of jail! Eleven political prisoners served their sentences in full and were released in April

05.05.2023 Out of jail! Eleven political prisoners served their sentences in full and were released in April

Another five people were sentenced to home confinement and released from pre-trial detention.

In April, 43 people criminally convicted in political cases

05.05.2023 In April, 43 people criminally convicted in political cases

The tendency to prosecute and convict citizens on political grounds persists.

Five more political prisoners in Belarus

04.05.2023 Five more political prisoners in Belarus

Statement by the human rights community of Belarus

Nexta creators and editors sentenced to prison in Belarus

03.05.2023 Nexta creators and editors sentenced to prison in Belarus

Raman Pratasevich was not taken into custody in the courtroom; he remains under house arrest. Putsila and Rudzik were tried in absentia.

#FreeViasna: Latest news about jailed Viasna human rights defenders

02.05.2023 #FreeViasna: Latest news about jailed Viasna human rights defenders

Viasna human rights defenders were transported to prison while there are no updates from volunteer Andrei Chapiuk and Viasna member Leanid Sudalenka.

Number of political prisoners in Belarus grows by six

28.04.2023 Number of political prisoners in Belarus grows by six

Joint statement by the human rights community of Belarus

"Torture has become commonplace in Belarus." Belarusian HRDs visit OSCE conference

24.04.2023 "Torture has become commonplace in Belarus." Belarusian HRDs visit OSCE conference

Belarusian human rights activists also spoke at the event "Belarus. Serious violations of human rights and the next Moscow Mechanism report".

Viasna leader's appeal denied, harsh prison sentences upheld

21.04.2023 Viasna leader's appeal denied, harsh prison sentences upheld

The appeal filed by Belarusian human rights defenders Ales Bialiatski, Valiantsin Stefanovic, Uladzimir Labkovich, and Zmitser Salauyou has been denied, resulting in the upholding of their harsh prison sentences.

Political prisoner count in Belarus hits 1,500 people

21.04.2023 Political prisoner count in Belarus hits 1,500 people

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

More people recognized as political prisoners in Belarus

20.04.2023 More people recognized as political prisoners in Belarus

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Ivan Kuliashou, political prisoner's son: “They beat me and constantly threatened me”

19.04.2023 Ivan Kuliashou, political prisoner's son: “They beat me and constantly threatened me”

Ivan spoke to Viasna about the beatings in the KGB, the pressure, and the two criminal cases in his family.

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