News on the topic: freedom of association

24.03.2009 Minsk City Court ignores UN rulings

The civil panel of Minsk City Court have rejected the complaint lodged by Viktar Karneenka against the decision by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, denying the Civil Initiatives movement its rights to legal activity. Thus, Minsk City Court has supported an earlier decision by Minsk Leninski Court, stating that Viktar Karneenka, as head of the Civil Initiatives, cannot be the legal chair of the organization after its liquidation in 2003.

20.03.2009 Nasha Viasna to keep striving for registration

The co-founders of the human rights organization Nasha Viasna have declared that they would continue their attempts to obtain the official status. They have arrived at a decision to hold another congress and once again apply for registration at the Ministry of Justice. On February 26 the NGO was denied registration due to ‘the violation of holding its constituent congress’. Therefore, Nasha Visna is now looking for premises to hold the meeting. However, the NGO is likely to face numerous refusals by state-owned enterprises.

17.03.2009 Journalist Andzej Poczobut fined

Hrodna Leninski Borough Court fined representative of the Polish minority in Belarus Andzej Poczobut BYR 525,000 for participating in an unauthorized meeting in front of the Dom polski on 17 January. The journalist says the verdict by judge Natallia Kozel is illegal since the rally was provoked by Josuf Lucznik, head of the pro-government Union of Poles.

Supreme Court turns down lawsuit of ‘Horizontal’ NGO against Ministry of Justice

13.03.2009 Supreme Court turns down lawsuit of ‘Horizontal’ NGO against Ministry of Justice

A founder of the organization Valer Ukhnaliou said to the BelaPAN that on 11 March the Supreme Court of Belarus turned down the lawsuit of the social-patriotic civil association (SPCA) Horizontal against the refusal of the Ministry of Justice to register it.

Authorities refuse to register primary units of independent trade unions

13.03.2009 Authorities refuse to register primary units of independent trade unions

The leaders of the Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry stated that they would hold a series of protest actions on 3 April in different cities and towns of Belarus with the aim to draw public attention to non-registration of the primary units of trade unions by the authorities.

Fantasies of the Ministry of Justice about ‘Nasha Viasna’

12.03.2009 Fantasies of the Ministry of Justice about ‘Nasha Viasna’

On 11 March the press-release On denial of the state registration to the Civil human rights association ‘Nasha Viasna’ appeared on the web-site of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus. We, human rights defenders, cannot leave this information without notice.

Human rights civil association ‘Brestskaya Viasna’ is denied registration again

09.03.2009 Human rights civil association ‘Brestskaya Viasna’ is denied registration again

The fourth attempt to register the human rights organization in Brest oblast was unsuccessful. The main justice department of Brest oblast executive committee refused to register the civil human rights association Brestskaya Viasna.

Assembly of pro-democratic NGOs calls the authorities to stop the abuse of the law On counteraction to extremism

09.03.2009 Assembly of pro-democratic NGOs calls the authorities to stop the abuse of the law On counteraction to extremism

On 6-7 March the 6th assembly of pro-democratic NGOs of Belarus was held at the international educational center (IBB) in Minsk. The aim of the forum was to analyze the situation in the third sector, the juridical situation of NGOs and elaborate and adopt the strategy of the Assembly’s activities for the near future.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: no one can prohibit human rights activities to me

04.03.2009 Valiantsin Stefanovich: no one can prohibit human rights activities to me

Lawyer Valiantsin Stefanovich, one of the founders of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna, gave the following commentary concerning the registration denial:

Provocation against Anzhalika Borys

04.03.2009 Provocation against Anzhalika Borys

Fake obscene photos were planted to mail boxes of Anzhalika Borys' neighbors. They appeared in the mailboxes of the block of flats where the chairperson of the officially unrecognized Union of Poles in Belarus lives on 3 March. Anzhalika Borys was depicted on the picture edited in Photoshop.

Belarusian MFA didn’t register ‘Belsat’ TV channel

04.03.2009 Belarusian MFA didn’t register ‘Belsat’ TV channel

The Ministry of Foreign Affaires of Belarus denied registration to Minsk bureau of the Belsat TV channel.

Refusal to register ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a manifestation of systematic and purposeful discrimination of human rights activists

03.03.2009 Refusal to register ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a manifestation of systematic and purposeful discrimination of human rights activists

On 2 March 2009 the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus decided to deny the state registration to the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna, the successor of the liquidated civil association Human Rights Center ‘Viasna’.

Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘It is obvious that non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a political decision’

03.03.2009 Uladzimir Labkovich: ‘It is obvious that non-registration of ‘Nasha Viasna’ is a political decision’

Today on our own initiative we have received a copy of the decision of the Ministry of Justice concerning the registration denial to us (we could not receive it by mail as quickly as that, because it is dated 2 March). Bear in mind that the answer was taken after the expiry of the legally established term for giving such answers.

Ministry of Justice refuses to register ‘Nasha Viasna’

03.03.2009 Ministry of Justice refuses to register ‘Nasha Viasna’

On 3 March the representative of interests of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna Uladzimir Labkovich received a copy of the decision of the Ministry of Justice On registration denial to the public association.

02.03.2009 ‘Berastseiskaya Viasna’ – attempt #2

On 2 March the initiative group of human rights activists filed documents for registration of the human rights NGO Berastseiskaya Viasna to the justice department of Brest oblast executive committee.

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