News on the topic: freedom of association

Justice ministry denies registration to Party of Freedom and Progress

16.06.2009 Justice ministry denies registration to Party of Freedom and Progress

The justice ministry has denied state registration to the Party of Freedom and Progress (PFP).

The minutes of the nomination meetings for the PFP founding conference show that representation requirements for the conference were violated on many occasions, the justice ministry says in its reply to the registration application.

Despite the ministry's repeated inquiries, the PFP founding committee failed to submit all necessary minutes, the reply says.

In addition, a spot check of the list of the PFP's alleged founders established that many people had been misled into signing it, the ministry says. Many did not take part in nomination meetings or never put their signatures in support of the party's founding, the ministry says.

12.06.2009 Observatory for Protection of Human Rights Defenders urges Belarusian authorities to re-register 'Viasna' and stop harassment of human rights defeners

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture

Belarusian Christian Democracy appeals against registration denial

11.06.2009 Belarusian Christian Democracy appeals against registration denial

The Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) party has filed an appeal with the Supreme Court against the denial of state registration by the justice ministry.

Activists of ‘European Belarus’ get detained for action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich

10.06.2009 Activists of ‘European Belarus’ get detained for action of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich

European Belarus activists were detained for holding an action of solidarity with political prisoners.

Hrodna: Andrei Pachobut warned by prosecutor

09.06.2009 Hrodna: Andrei Pachobut warned by prosecutor

The member of the disgraced Union of Poles in Belarus Andrei Pachobut was summoned to Hrodna oblast prosecutor's office and read an official warning about inadmissibility of violations of the Belarusian legislation. Pachobut was warned that he had no right to introduce himself as the chairman of the Main Council of the Union of Poles in Belarus and was prohibited to use the UPB symbols.

05.06.2009 Human rights organization ‘Brest Viasna’ is denied registration as well

Brest oblast executive committee again refused to register the human rights organization Brest Viasna.

Östgruppen joins the campaign for abolishment of Article 193.1

04.06.2009 Östgruppen joins the campaign for abolishment of Article 193.1

Members of the Swedish human rights initiative Östgruppen stated their support to the campaign for abolishment of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code of Belarus that provides criminal punishment for participation in unregistered organization. The campaign has been launched by the Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs.

Human rights defenders cannot be prohibited to implement their duties

04.06.2009 Human rights defenders cannot be prohibited to implement their duties

On 3June in Minsk there was held the joint press-conference of the founders of the CHRA Nasha Viasna and the Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs dedicated to non-registration of both associations by the Ministry of Justice.

Supreme Court does not grant the lawsuit of the Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs against the Ministry of Justice

04.06.2009 Supreme Court does not grant the lawsuit of the Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs against the Ministry of Justice

The head of the human rights association Belarusian Helsinki Committee Aleh Hulak informed the BelaPAN that the Supreme Court did not grant the lawsuit of the Assembly of Pro-democratic NGOs against the Ministry of Justice that had refused to give the official registration to the civil association.

Systematic registration denials to ‘Nasha Viasna’ witness about the non-readiness of the Belarusian authorities to democratic transformations in the country

03.06.2009 Systematic registration denials to ‘Nasha Viasna’ witness about the non-readiness of the Belarusian authorities to democratic transformations in the country

On 25 May 2009 the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus ruled to deny the state registration to the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna.

Ministry of Justice denied registration to ‘Nasha Viasna’ for incomprehensible reasons

01.06.2009 Ministry of Justice denied registration to ‘Nasha Viasna’ for incomprehensible reasons

On 28 May the co-founders of the civil human rights association Nasha Viasna received the decision of the Ministry of Justice On denial of the state registration to the civil association. The human rights defenders consider the reasons for the registration denial as unlawful.

28.05.2009 Ministry of Justice denies registration to Nasha Viasna again

On 28 May the co-founders of the Nasha Viasna human rights association received a letter from the Ministry of Justice saying the NGO is once again denied registration. The human rights activists think the decision groundless and illegal. The official letter signed by Vice-Minister of Justice A.Bodak named the following facts as the grounds for the refusal: - ‘many of the co-founders of the association have been prosecuted by law, for offences connected with disturbing public order, as well the freedoms and rights of other persons.’ - ‘the list of the co-founders of the association features certain false or distorted data.’ - ‘the second part of the association’s name ‘Nasha Viasna’ does not correspond to the Charter of the organization.’ The Ministry of Justice also accuses Nasha Viasna of ‘obstructing’ the registration body’s inspection of the accuracy of the application documents.

26.05.2009 Nasha Viasna still awaiting reply from Ministry of Justice

May 25th was the deadline for the Ministry of Justice to reply to the application of the Nasha Viasna human rights organization. However, Nasha Viasna’s registration is still undecided. This is Nasha Viasna’s third attempt to obtain the official status. The human rights have repeatedly stressed this would be their last application, even in case it is not satisfied.

22.05.2009 Court turns down claim by BPF Hrodna office

Hrodna Regional Court has considered the complaint against the decision by the Ministry of Justice to deny registration to the Belarusian Popular Front’s Hrodna Regional Office. The interests of the party were represented by the BPF’s central office senior secretary Uladzimer Labkovich and member of the party’s Soim Yury Chavusau. The trial was bore a strong resemblance to the one held a few hours before, when similar complaint by the BPF ‘Adradzhennie’ was considered.

18.05.2009 Youth activists stopped hunger strike

Participants of hunger strike of solidarity with Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka stopped the strike.

This decision was reached on May 15, after Belarusian politicians – one of the leaders of the unregistered Belarusian Christian Democracy party Paval Sevyarynets, head of the BPF partyLyavon Barshcheuski, leader of the “For Freedom” movement Alyaksandr Milinkevich, as well as Mikalai Statkevich, and Vyachaslau Siuchyk – addressed them.

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