News on the topic: freedom of association

Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under attack

04.02.2021 Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities under attack

Aleh Hrableuski and Siarhei Drazdouski from the Office for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities are facing fraud charges, after they were questioned by officers of the Investigative Committee. The NGO’s company lawyer Hrableuski was detained for 72 hours to await official charges, while Drazdouski, the Office’s leader and a wheelchair user himself, was placed under house arrest.



Address by Belarusian civil society organisations

The wave of new criminal cases against CSOs in Belarus is growing

24.12.2020 The wave of new criminal cases against CSOs in Belarus is growing

Criminal charges and related investigations, searches and arrests have become the most serious problem for CSOs in Belarus now.

National Human Rights Award winners announced

11.12.2020 National Human Rights Award winners announced

On the International Human Rights Day, December 10, a coalition of human rights organizations of Belarus held a ceremony in Minsk to present the annual National Human Rights Awards.

We call to stop repressions and pressure on civil society

30.06.2020 We call to stop repressions and pressure on civil society

Statement of Working Group of Assembly of Pro-Democratic NGOs of Belarus

New Amnesty International report: crackdown on CSOs persists in Belarus

21.02.2019 New Amnesty International report: crackdown on CSOs persists in Belarus

The new report Laws Designed to Silence: The Global Crackdown on Civil Society Organizations reveals the startling number of countries that are using bullying techniques and repressive regulations to prevent NGOs from doing their vital work, including in Belarus.

Observatory condemns harassment of Viasna activist Ales Burakou

16.11.2018 Observatory condemns harassment of Viasna activist Ales Burakou

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a partnership of FIDH and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

IndustriALL: Unjust verdict against union leaders in Belarus upheld

13.11.2018 IndustriALL: Unjust verdict against union leaders in Belarus upheld

The city court of Minsk decided on 09 November to uphold the guilty verdict against two trade union leaders in Belarus, which has been widely condemned as unjust.

Viasna protests harassment of its activist in Mahilioŭ

12.11.2018 Viasna protests harassment of its activist in Mahilioŭ

Statement by the Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Minsk City Court confirms sentence in trade union case

09.11.2018 Minsk City Court confirms sentence in trade union case

The Minsk City Court has upheld today the sentence of 4 years of restricted freedom earlier handed down to Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik, leaders of the trade union REP, on charges of tax evasion.

Belarus civil society stagnating, research says

25.10.2018 Belarus civil society stagnating, research says

“After three years of gradual improvement, the sustainability of Belarusian CSOs stagnated in 2017, with deterioration in two dimensions—legal environment and financial viability—and improvement in three dimensions—advocacy, service provision, and public image,” says the 2017 Civil Society Organization Sustainability Index by the United States Agency for International Development, the Bureau for Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance and the Center of Excellence on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance.

Front Line Defenders urges Belarus to quash convictions against Fiadynich and Komlik

29.08.2018 Front Line Defenders urges Belarus to quash convictions against Fiadynich and Komlik

The authorities in Belarus should immediately quash the convictions against Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik, leaders of the trade union REP, and fully restore their liberty, Front Line Defenders said in an urgent appeal, as it believes that they are solely in relation to their peaceful and legitimate work in the defense of human rights.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: investigation fails to prove guilt in trade union case

07.08.2018 Valiantsin Stefanovich: investigation fails to prove guilt in trade union case

The criminal case of trade unions is, above all, an echo of the global problems related to NGOs’ access to funds, says human rights activist Valiantsin Stefanovich, who has been observing the trial of REP leaders Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik. He has analyzed in detail the first phase of the trial, emphasizing the objectives pursued by the investigators.

Amnesty International: Authorities must not tarnish positive steps by imposing new restrictions on freedom of association

01.06.2018 Amnesty International: Authorities must not tarnish positive steps by imposing new restrictions on freedom of association

Amnesty International welcomes the positive steps being taken by the Belarusian authorities to lift existing restrictions on the right to freedom of association. However, it is critical that this progress is not countered by introducing new measures which would violate that same right.

Repeal of Article 193.1 is half measure, say HRDs

19.05.2018 Repeal of Article 193.1 is half measure, say HRDs

The Council of Ministers submitted to the Parliament a draft law “On amendments to certain Codes of the Republic of Belarus”. Among other things, the bill provides for the removal of Article 193.1 (“Illegal organization of activities of a public association, religious organization or foundation or participation in their activities”) from the Criminal Code.

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