News on the topic: freedom of association

04.07.2011 Ihar Bantsar sentenced to 10 days of arrest

On 4 July journalist Ihar Bantsar, an activist of the Union of Poles in Belarus, was sentenced to 10 days of jail within closed court proceedings.

21.06.2011 Female activist of “European Belarus” expelled for “politics”

Irina Petrova, an activist of civil campaign “European Belarus” and a junior student, has been expelled from Belarusian State Pedagogical University.

09.06.2011 Golden Lion denied registration again

The Hrodna Region Court didn't grant the appeal of the organization founders against the registration denial by the Hrodna Region Justice Department. The court explained it by referring to the absence of the description of the procedure of appealing against decisions of the governing structures of the NGO in its charter.

08.06.2011 European Belarus activist detained in Minsk metro

Activist of the campaign European Belarus Katsiaryna Yerusalimskaya was detained in the Pushkinskaya metro station last night.

Mahiliou NGO denied registration

27.05.2011 Mahiliou NGO denied registration

The chief department of justice of Mahiliou regional executive committee denied state registration to local public association “Mahiliou Center for Strategic Development Impulse” due to alleged inaccuracies in the NGO’s registration papers, namely certain financial allegations.

24.05.2011 Zmitser Bandarenka needs urgent surgery

A specialist examined the seriously ill political prisoner at last, for the first time in 5 months.

For Freedom Homel leader appeals fine in Supreme Court

23.05.2011 For Freedom Homel leader appeals fine in Supreme Court

Piotr Kuzniatsou, leader of For Freedom Homel regional office, has lodged a complaint with the Supreme Court, appealing an earlier fine for distributing leaflets back in January 2011.

12.05.2011 Trial on closure of Nasha Niva postponed till consideration of appeal against third warning of Information Ministry

This is the result of the preliminary hearings that took place at the Supreme Economic Court on 11 May. Judge Kuryla granted the solicitation of the defendant for postponing the trial.

Polatsk post: “There won't be such a newspaper anymore”

10.05.2011 Polatsk post: “There won't be such a newspaper anymore”

The court verdict on closing down the private socio-political weekly Nasha Niva hasn't been pronounced. However, the subscription to it is stopped in Polatsk and the Polatsk district.

Baranavichy: association of Ukrainians <em>Kabzar</em> is denied registration<em></em>

06.05.2011 Baranavichy: association of Ukrainians Kabzar is denied registration

The Brest justice board refused to register the Baranavichy civil association of Ukrainians Kabzar. On 5 May the Chair of the Kabzar's organizing committee, Mikalai Charanavus, received an appropriate letter, signed by the Chair of the main board, S.Kalinouski.

13.04.2011 Union of Poles in Belarus and Gazeta Wyborcza launch campaigns for release of Andrei Pachobut

The “opposition” Union of Poles in Belarus started a campaign for change of restraint to the Chair of the Main Council of the UPB, a journalist with the Polish weekly Gazeta Wyborcza Andrei Pachobut.

07.04.2011 Prison guards refuse to accept medicines for Zmitser Bandarenka

The state of health of Zmitser Bandarenka, a European Belarus coordinator, who has spent more than 3 months in the KGB jail already, is disturbing.

04.04.2011 Volunteerism Development Center denied registration

The Ministry of Justice refused to register the Volunteerism Development Center because of “a number of incorrigible violations of the legal requirements”.

29.03.2011 Court upholds closure of Avtoradio

Judge Dzmitry Alyaksandraw rejected an appeal by Avtoradio against its closure at a rehearing of the popular FM station’s case that wrapped up at the Supreme Economic Court of Belarus on Tuesday.

For Freedom Homel activist arrested

25.03.2011 For Freedom Homel activist arrested

Uladzimir Niapomniashchykh, Homel activist of the For Freedom movement, was detained under unascertained circumstances this morning.

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