News on the topic: labor rights

Babruisk activists who took part in hunger strike of protest, dismissed

01.10.2014 Babruisk activists who took part in hunger strike of protest, dismissed

Two members of the Free Trade Union of Belarus from Babrujsk tractor parts and aggregates plant, maintenance persons Aliaksandr Varankin and Aliaksandr Hramyka, have been fired.

Aliaksandr Yarashuk: Workers of Belarus have serfdom instead of rights

16.09.2014 Aliaksandr Yarashuk: Workers of Belarus have serfdom instead of rights

September 14-16, Secretary General of the International Trade Union Confederation Sharan Burrow visits Belarus. Our journalist decided to ask some questions to Chairman of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions, Aliaksandr Yarashuk.

ILO: Work-related mishaps, sickness cause 2.3 million deaths, $2.8-trillion losses yearly

27.08.2014 ILO: Work-related mishaps, sickness cause 2.3 million deaths, $2.8-trillion losses yearly

The International Labor Organization (ILO) called on member-states to push for zero occupational accidents and deaths, citing 2.3 million people worldwide die yearly as a result of work-related accidents.

Dismissed trade union leader protects rights in court

25.08.2014 Dismissed trade union leader protects rights in court

The Polatsk District Court has refused to consider a lawsuit lodged by trade union activists Viktar Stukau against his former employer, JSC “Polatsk-Shklovalakno”. The lawsuit urging to eliminate employment discrimination came after fresh evidence appeared in the activist’s conflict with the major state-owned enterprise. Earlier, the court refused to consider Viktar Stukau’s complaint in March 2013.

Court deprives trade union activist of bonus payments to pension

08.08.2014 Court deprives trade union activist of bonus payments to pension

The Leninski District Court of Brest dismissed the claim of a former worker of the JSC «Savushkin Product» Uladzimir Andrashchuk. He went to court to make the enterprise management pay him 15 million rubles, which are to be paid under the collective agreement at retirement.

Leader of Free Trade Union organization appeals to Prosecutor's Office concerning forgery of documents

07.08.2014 Leader of Free Trade Union organization appeals to Prosecutor's Office concerning forgery of documents

Viktar Stukau believes that some official has forged a date in the complaints book, where there is an entry on his behalf. Meanwhile, the administration of JSC "Polotsk-Shklovalakno" states that he is purposely looking for clues to escalate the conflict between the management and the trade union. The history surrounding the book of complaints reminds of a detective.

Temperature at Shklovalakno factory +40°С

04.08.2014 Temperature at Shklovalakno factory +40°С

Workers of Polatsk-Shklovalakno factory, a manufacturer of glass fiber, have to work in extreme conditions.

15.07.2014 Homel factory on strike

Workers of the factory “8 March” demand to raise wages.

Brest: former worker of "Savushkin product" denied payments to pension for membership in independent trade union

14.07.2014 Brest: former worker of "Savushkin product" denied payments to pension for membership in independent trade union

An activist of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Uladzimir Andrashchuk wants to get a 15-million-ruble bonus payment to the pension from the management of the company "Savushkin pradukt". According to the collective agreement, he , being an operator of ammiac compressor devices of the sixth grade, was to have been paid this money during his retirement.

Babruisk: civil society units to secure and promote labor rights

11.07.2014 Babruisk: civil society units to secure and promote labor rights

In Babruisk, the joint campaign “Our Rights” was launched by the local representatives of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry, itsyouth network, the Belarusian Association of Journalists, Women's Network of the Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions and the Belarusian Association of Working Women.

Trade union activist unable to protect rights in court

16.06.2014 Trade union activist unable to protect rights in court

On June 13, a court in Babruisk considered the lawsuit of a member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, former employee of the TDiA plant (tractor parts and units), Viktar Osipau, whose employment contract was terminated on April 30. Despite petitions from the activist’s supervisor and his colleagues, Viktar Osipau has lost his job.

Salihorsk human rights activists demand prosecutor’s response to the career ban for those who committed an administrative offense

06.06.2014 Salihorsk human rights activists demand prosecutor’s response to the career ban for those who committed an administrative offense

In February 2014, the administration of the First Mining Group decided to take measures of a radical nature against those employees who had committed an administrative offense.

Belarus violates rights of trade unions grossly, said in Geneva

04.06.2014 Belarus violates rights of trade unions grossly, said in Geneva

Our country has been included to the special paragraph of the International Labour Organization once again. That was the result of the ILO Conference Committee on the Application of Standards.

International Trade Union Confederation: Belarus among worst countries for workers

21.05.2014 International Trade Union Confederation: Belarus among worst countries for workers

Belarus, together with Bangladesh and Cambodia, is among the countries constantly violating labor rights, says a survey published by the International Trade Union Confederation.

Belarus has “lowest respect for labor rights, trade union rights” in Customs Union (video)

17.04.2014 Belarus has “lowest respect for labor rights, trade union rights” in Customs Union (video)

Belarus has demonstrated the lowest level of respect for labor and trade union rights within the Customs Union, says Anton Leppik, representative of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), who participated in the discussion of the joint report of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” “Forced Labor and Pervasive Violations of Workers’ Rights in Belarus”, held this month in Stockholm at the initiative of Swedish human rights defenders.

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