News on the topic: political parties & movements

14.08.2008 Barysau electoral district #62: candidates of United Civil Party not included in local electoral commissions

On 13 August Pavel Zhuha, the head of the personnel department of Barysau district executive committee, informed a member of the United Civil Party Viktar Harbachou (who intends to run at Barysau town electoral district #62 that none of 45 candidates from the United Civil Party had been included in the local electoral commissions in this electoral district.

13.08.2008 Harassment of civil activists for action of solidarity with Georgia is going on

An enquiry has been made by a prosecutor in the case of a member of Salihorsk branch of the Young Front Illia Shyla.

12.08.2008 Astravets: members of United Civil Party not included in local commissions

On 11 August at 11 am Mikalai Ulasevich, the head of Astravets primary organization of the United Civil Party, paid a visit to the district electoral commission to get information about the forming of the local electoral commissions. He asked to be shown the minutes on nomination of candidates to the commissions and the register of applications. However, the head of the organizational department of Astravets district executive committee Halina Makhnevich refused to him.

12.08.2008 Mauliuda Atakulava sentenced to 10 days of jail for action of solidarity with Georgia

Liudmila Atakulava, a Young Front activist, has been sentenced to 10 days of administrative arrest for participation in a rally near the Russian Embassy on 11 August. The verdict has been passed by the court of Tsentralny district in Minsk.

11.08.2008 Party of Communists Belarusian to sue Lukashenka for discrediting

At its assembly this Sunday the PCB ruled to sue Alexander Lukashenka, who in connection with the blast on 4 July stated that ‘Kaliakin’s communists profess fascist ideology’.

08.08.2008 Pressurization of activists of Belarusian Popular Front Party

On 7 August a candidate from the BPF Party Yury Karetnikau passed to Minsk south-western district electoral commission #99 a list of 50 members of the BPF Party who agreed to be members of his initiative group.

08.08.2008 Dismissed for distribution of ‘Tovarishch’ newspaper?

An activist of the Party of Communists Belarusian Vasil Mamkin has been fired from the open stock company Elektraaparatura where worked for more than 25 years. He has sued to Chyhunachny district court of Homel for rehabilitation at work. He also demands from the defendant 10 million rubles in moral damages.

08.08.2008 Minsk: it is prohibited to hang paintings on the walls at BPF central office

On 8 August representatives of the fire security service of Savetski district of Minsk visited the central office of the Belarusian Popular Front Party. They held a check-up there and made several remarks to the secretaries of the office.

08.08.2008 Pavel Kuryianovich sentenced to 15 days of jail. Imprisoned Dashkevich and Finkevich go on hunger-strike

The leaders of the Young Front Zmitser Dashkevich and Arthur Finkevich, arrested in Minsk yesterday, announced a hunger strike in Akrestsin Street detention centre. The activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Pavel Kuryianovich stood trial at the court of Maskouski district of Minsk and was sentenced to 15 days of jail for ‘petty hooliganism’.

08.08.2008 Police and KGB burst into ‘Young Front’ office

On 7 August in the evening riot policemen and KGB officers broke into the head office of the Young Front in Karal Street in Minsk. Two entrance doors were broken. The leaders of the organization Zmitser Dashkevich and Arthur Finkevich, as well as 4 activists of the Young Front and an activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Pavel Kuryianovich were arrested.

07.08.2008 Necessary number of signatures collected for 36 candidates from ‘European list’

The European Coalition includes the organizing committees of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Narodnaya Hramada) and the Party of Freedom and Progress and the international NGO Young Front which has official registration in Czech.

07.08.2008 Mazyr: person nominated to electoral commission without real assembly of working collective

When the list of members of Mazyr district electoral commission #42 was published it was found out that one of its members, Ivan Navitski (deputy director on ideology of the open stock company Belaruscable) was not really nominated by the working collective of this enterprise, as such an assembly had not been collected.

07.08.2008 Brest KGB considers actions towards Alexander Mekh legal

On 6 August a potential candidate at the parliamentary elections, the head of Kobryn town organization of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Alexander Mekh received an answer to his complaint to the KGB.

07.08.2008 Brest oblast: oppositionists still interrogated in ‘Minsk blast’ case

When Alexander Chorny, the first secretary of Kobryn town committee of the Party of Communists of Belarusian, signed out of the hospital he was visited by police officers who brought a ‘questioning blank’ with them.

07.08.2008 ‘Narodnaya Volia’ confiscated from members of Yaraslau Ramanchuk’s initiative group

On 5 August in Hrodna the police detained the civil activists Yury Istomin and Zmitser Slutski, who were collecting signatures for nomination of Yaraslau Ramanchuk a candidate to the Chamber of Rerepsentatives (lower chamber of the Belarusian parliament), and confiscated from the detainees six sheaves of Narodnaya Volia newspaper.

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