News on the topic: political parties & movements

Babruisk: customs officers are ready to return Niakliayeu's poems to political activist

01.05.2013 Babruisk: customs officers are ready to return Niakliayeu's poems to political activist

The leader of Babruisk branch of the United Civil Party Viktar Buzinayeu received a notice from the customs officers due to the "completion of the customs examination". Bear in mind that on 29 March the Buzinayeus' car was detained on the border and several brochures and a book of Uladzimir Niakliayeu's poems were found in it.

Kalinkavichy UCP activist accused of starting fight

30.04.2013 Kalinkavichy UCP activist accused of starting fight

Dzianis Rabianok, activists of the United Civil Party of the town of Kalinkavichy, is facing charges under Article 9.1 of the Administrative Code, “intentional infliction of bodily injury, not entailing short-term loss of health.” Now the activist faces a fine of 10 to 30 basic units (1-3 mln rubles) or an administrative arrest.

BCD Mahiliou activist receives second warning from KGB

29.04.2013 BCD Mahiliou activist receives second warning from KGB

The KGB Mahiliou office employees once again argue that a BCD activist Aleh Aksionau has been acting on behalf of an unregistered organization.

26.04.2013 Anatol Lyabedzka detained in Astravets

The politician has been detained because information leaflets have been found in a city street.

UCP Mahiliou activists denied permission to hold Yury Zakharanka memorial picket

25.04.2013 UCP Mahiliou activists denied permission to hold Yury Zakharanka memorial picket

Mahiliou city executive committee banned a memorial picket to mark the 14th anniversary of the disappearance of former Minister of Defense Yury Zakharanka on the grounds that the UCP activists were going to stage the event in a location not approved by the officials.

23.04.2013 Court officers threaten Anatol Labedzka

They may make an inventory and confiscate the property of the leader of the United Civic Party.

22.04.2013 Minsk authorities wreck Boris Nemtsov's press conference

Minsk hotels refused to lease out premises to the United Civil Party to hold a press conference with participation of Boris Nemtsov. learnt it from Anatol Liabedzka, the chairman of the United Civil Party (UCP).

22.04.2013 BPF Vitsebsk leader summoned to police ahead of Chernobyl Way

Leanid Autukhou says preventive measures may be used against him ahead of the Chernobyl Way demonstration. The Chairman of the Vitsebsk Regional branch of Belarusian Popular Front does not exclude that such a step will be taken by law enforcement officials, Radio Racyja reports.

Young Front activist appeals violations by Salihorsk court to Ministry of Justice

22.04.2013 Young Front activist appeals violations by Salihorsk court to Ministry of Justice

The Young Front member Andrei Tychyna sent to the Ministry of Justice a complaint against the delay in issuing a ruling by Salihorsk District Court.

Vitsebsk judge goes unpunished

17.04.2013 Vitsebsk judge goes unpunished

“The investigation into the facts of gross disrespect to the participants of the trial by Judge of the Court of Kastrychnitski District of Vitsebsk I.V. Hrabouskaya failed to find grounds for initiating disciplinary proceedings against her,” says an official letter from the first deputy head of the Justice Department of Vitsebsk regional executive committee Ihar Karzhou in response to a statement sent to said department by the head of Vitsebsk regional office of the Belarusian Popular Front Party Leanid Autukhou.

UCP activist sues employer in Salihorsk

16.04.2013 UCP activist sues employer in Salihorsk

Viktar Malochka, activist of the United Civil Party’s Salihorsk office, is suing his employer over what he says is harassment he has been subjected to in the past two years.

Ilona Tkachova still not returned her laptop

15.04.2013 Ilona Tkachova still not returned her laptop

Zhlobin member of the "Fair World" Ilona Tkachova still hasn't been returned her laptop and photo camera which have been confiscated at the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.

Trial of Piotr Ivanov postponed to 17 April

15.04.2013 Trial of Piotr Ivanov postponed to 17 April

The trial of Vitsebsk citizen Piotr Ivanov, detained at the building of the regional road police on 12 April, started the same day. Mr. Ivanov solicited for the admission of his counsel to the trial. Andrei Preis, Judge of Pershamaiski Distrit Court of Vitsebsk, granted the petition. Piotr Ivanov was given time until 11.00 a.m. on 17 April in order to conclude a service agreement with a counsel, and was set free until then.

Homel: police, ambulance and city authorities oppose leftist May Day rally

09.04.2013 Homel: police, ambulance and city authorities oppose leftist May Day rally

Homel police and ambulance refuse to conclude the agreements for serving the May Day rally of the oppositionists, referring to the legal acts according to which such agreements can be concluded after the action is authorized by the city administration.

Homel Regional Court invents a new way of restricting civil rights

09.04.2013 Homel Regional Court invents a new way of restricting civil rights

The head of Homel Regional Court, Siarhei Shautsou, invented a new way to limit the constitutional rights of citizens. He believes that such rights can be restricted due to "objective circumstances".

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