News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Minsk politicians meet with Slonim residents under police and KGB surveillance

07.08.2013 Minsk politicians meet with Slonim residents under police and KGB surveillance

The Minsk politicians Yury Hubarevich (first deputy chairman of the Movement "For Freedom"), Aliaksei Yanukevich (Chairman of the Belarusian Popular Front Party) and Andrei Dzmitryieu (deputy head of the civic initiative "Tell the Truth") spent the whole day of 6 August in Slonim.

Actions of solidarity held in many countries of the world

07.08.2013 Actions of solidarity held in many countries of the world

Thousands of people around the world have joined the International Day of Solidarity with Belarusian civil society. Human rights defenders, civil society activists, politicians, artists and ordinary citizens from 15 countries took part in solidarity actions on 4 August.

Observatory for the Protection of Human Rigths Defenders: Sentencing of human rights defenders who took part in an action of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

07.08.2013 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rigths Defenders: Sentencing of human rights defenders who took part in an action of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in Belarus.

More actions of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski held in Belarus (photos)

06.08.2013 More actions of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski held in Belarus (photos)

According to our information, social and human rights activists held some more actions of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners in different parts of Belarus.

Human rights defenders Uladzimir Labkovich and Tatsiana Reviaka punished with fines

06.08.2013 Human rights defenders Uladzimir Labkovich and Tatsiana Reviaka punished with fines

The members of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" Uladzimir Labkovich and Tatsiana Reviaka were familiarized with the new violation reports at the Savetski District Police Department of Minsk. 40 minutes after it they were taken to the Savetski District Court of Minsk.

Statement of Belarusian Helsinki Committee on persecution of human rights defenders Tatsiana Reviaka and Uladzimir Labkovich

06.08.2013 Statement of Belarusian Helsinki Committee on persecution of human rights defenders Tatsiana Reviaka and Uladzimir Labkovich

Tatsiana Reviaka and Uladzimir Labkovich were detained on 5 August 2013 while handing out leaflets with a portrait of the head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialatski, arrested two years ago. Officers of the Savetski District Police Department of Minsk qualified their actions as a “violation of the order of organizing and holding mass events” and drew up reports of administrative violation.

Hrodna branches of United Civil Party and “Young Democrats” support Ales Bialiatski

06.08.2013 Hrodna branches of United Civil Party and “Young Democrats” support Ales Bialiatski

On 5 August activists of the Hrodna organizations of the United Civic Party and the "Young Democrats" joined the nationwide action in support of the political prisoner Ales Bialiatski. The activists handed out postcard with a picture of the leader of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and information about him in the center of Hrodna. The action went without any incidents.

Banner “freedom to political prisoners” hanged out on the building of the Belarusian Embassy

05.08.2013 Banner “freedom to political prisoners” hanged out on the building of the Belarusian Embassy

An action dedicated to the second anniversary of the arrest of Ales Bialiatski took place in the capital of Lithuania.

05.08.2013 Action of solidarity with Belarusian political prisoners held in Warsaw

A conference on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society of Belarus was held in Warsaw. The event was attended by the European MP Marek Migalski, the chief editor of the website Natallia Radzina, the former political prisoner Zmitser Bandarenka and the head of the educational program named after Kastus Kalinouski, Yan Malicki.

Violation reports against Uladzimir Labkovich and Tatsiana Reviaka sent for correction

05.08.2013 Violation reports against Uladzimir Labkovich and Tatsiana Reviaka sent for correction

Yesterday, 4 August, marked the second anniversary of the arrest of Ales Bialiatski. Solidarity actions were held all over Belarus. Round tables, pickets and public discussions on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society and Human Rights Movement of Belarus, were held abroad – in Kyiv, Vilnius, Moscow and other cities.

Kyiv: action of solidarity with political prisoners assaulted by people in masks

05.08.2013 Kyiv: action of solidarity with political prisoners assaulted by people in masks

In Maryinskyj park in Kyiv, where the International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society in Belarus was marked on 4 August, unknown people in masks tore down photos of Belarusian actions of protests and slogans with the demand to release political prisoners.

05.08.2013 Bialiatski is supported in Bishkek

An action of solidarity with the Belarusian human rights defender was held in the capital of Kyrghizstan.

Photo fact: Belarusian Human Rights House takes part in Solidarity Day

05.08.2013 Photo fact: Belarusian Human Rights House takes part in Solidarity Day

On 4 August, the International Day of Solidarity with the Civil Society of Belarus, the former Ambassador of Sweden to Belarus Stefan Ericsson, who worked at this position in 2008-2012, signed postcards for Belarusian prisoners.

Actions in support of Ales Bialiatski and all Belarusian political prisoners held in different parts  of Belarus (photos)

05.08.2013 Actions in support of Ales Bialiatski and all Belarusian political prisoners held in different parts of Belarus (photos)

Support of actions of various forms and scale were held in a number of large cities of Belarus.

05.08.2013 “Ales Bialiatski's Case” presented in Moscow

A round table and a photo exhibition were held on the Day of Solidarity with Belarusian civil society in Moscow. The participants of these events also signed postcards in support of the human rights activist Ales Bialiatski, who was arrested two years ago.

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