News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Biaroza: court hearing on picket ban postponed to May 20

13.05.2015 Biaroza: court hearing on picket ban postponed to May 20

May 12 at 11 a.m. Biaroza District Court was to have started the consideration of the appeal of the local human rights defenders against the ban of the picket they intended to hold on March 25 to mark the 97-th anniversary of the Belarusian People's Republic and express solidarity with political prisoners.

Trade union challenges ban on May Day rally

12.05.2015 Trade union challenges ban on May Day rally

May 11, Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry (TUREI) filed an appeal against the ban of the Minsk City Executive Committee on holding a May Day rally to the Maskoŭski District Court of Minsk.

Baranavičy: trial concerning picket ban scheduled for May 14

12.05.2015 Baranavičy: trial concerning picket ban scheduled for May 14

The trade union activist Ryhor Hryk received a notice from the Bararanavičy City and District Court that his appeal against the refusal of the executive committee to authorize his picket on May Day would be considered on May 14.

Leanid Kulakou sentenced to seven days of arrest

11.05.2015 Leanid Kulakou sentenced to seven days of arrest

Today, an activist of the “European Belarus” Leanid Kulakou was judged at the Smaliavičy District Court. Judge Lina Barodzich sentenced him to seven days of arrest.

Biaroza: appeal against Freedom Day picket ban to be considered May 12

11.05.2015 Biaroza: appeal against Freedom Day picket ban to be considered May 12

At 11 a.m. on May 12 Biaroza District Court will start hearing the appeal of the human rights activists Siarhei Rusetski and Tamara Shchapiotkina and the civil society activist Tatsiana Tarasevich against the refusal of the Biaroza District Executive Committee to authorize the picket they intended to hold on March 25.

Brest activists of United Civil Party intend to hold pickets against "decree on parasites"

08.05.2015 Brest activists of United Civil Party intend to hold pickets against "decree on parasites"

Local activists of the United Civil Party have appealed to the Brest City Executive Committee with the request to authorize ten pickets. They intend to conduct the events in various suburbs of Brest in order to express their conviction about the inadmissibility of the introduction of forced labor in Belarus, provided by Decree No. 3 for April 2, 2015.

Škloŭ authorities declare round table "mass event"

06.05.2015 Škloŭ authorities declare round table "mass event"

Members of the civil initiative "Škloŭ Magistrate" and Mahiloŭ regional organization of NGO "Belarusian Language Society named Skarina" Škloŭsky District Executive Committee sent a letter with a proposal to co-host a round table on the role of local government and the history of Magdeburg rights to Škloŭ ground. The reply from the executive committee said that it is necessary to apply in accordance with the Law "On mass events", after which it will be reviewed and a decision will be made.

Supervisory appeal of human rights activist Siarhei Housha turned down

06.05.2015 Supervisory appeal of human rights activist Siarhei Housha turned down

Head of the Brest Regional Court Tamara Suchok dismissed the supervisory complaint of human rights activist Siarhei Housha concerning the ban on a picket devoted to Human Rights Day.

Viciebsk resident Piatro Berlin lodged a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee

04.05.2015 Viciebsk resident Piatro Berlin lodged a complaint with the UN Human Rights Committee

Mr. Berlin was charged with participating in an unsanctioned picketing, whereas in fact he had just taken part in a photo session against the background of a graffiti with birds and cells. Moreover, he was the only one to be sentenced to arrest rather than a fine.

Mahilioŭ Social Democrats face ban on May Day demonstration

30.04.2015 Mahilioŭ Social Democrats face ban on May Day demonstration

According to Dzmitry Liuntou, member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), Mahilioŭ authorities have banned a peaceful assembly scheduled for May 1.

Brest officials ban May Day demonstration

28.04.2015 Brest officials ban May Day demonstration

Local Social Democrats planned to hold a mass action in defense of social and economic rights under the slogan “The State does not fulfill obligations to its own people”.

Trade union activist appeals ban on May Day picket in Baranavičy

27.04.2015 Trade union activist appeals ban on May Day picket in Baranavičy

Ryhor Hryk, leader of the Baranavičy office of the independent trade union of radio electronic industry, filed today a complaint in the Baranavičy District and City Court to challenge a ban imposed by the city executive committee on a picket scheduled for May 1.

Report on the results of monitoring Čarnobyĺski šliach 2015 demonstration (photo)

27.04.2015 Report on the results of monitoring Čarnobyĺski šliach 2015 demonstration (photo)

Of greatest concern is the ongoing practice of arbitrary detentions and judicial harassment of some protesters (detention of Viktar Shaputska and Vital Kalinouski). Another negative factor was instances of threats to observers from law enforcement agencies.

24.04.2015 Chernobyl Way rally to cost organisers 14 million rubles

Each of the organisers has to pay 2,732,300 Belarusian rubles.

Baranavičy authorities ban trade union May Day rally

24.04.2015 Baranavičy authorities ban trade union May Day rally

The Baranavičy City Executive Committee has not allowed local trade union activist Ryhor Hryk to organize a May Day picket, which was expected to raise the issues of protection of labor, social and political rights of the citizens of Belarus.

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