News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

03.11.2007 Flash-mob Against Repeal of Social Benefits

At 1.20 p.m. about 10 youngsters lined up near the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences with a banner ‘No to repeal of the benefits’. They stood there for about 10 minutes and managed to hand out about 300 leaflets with the heading ‘Return our legal benefits’. The leaflet told about the liquidation of benefits to veterans of work, under-aged convicts of Nazi camps, disabled children, children before the age of three, ordinary policemen and the police administration. The leaflets also called the people to join the Social March that will take place on 4 November.

02.11.2007 New Detentions for Distribution of Materials Concerning Social March

On 2 November in Minsk the police detained one of the organizers of the Social March, the deputy chair of the Young Democrats Mikhail Pashkevich, and his friend Zmitser Kavalhin. The guys distributed agitation materials concerning the mass street action Social March that will take place in the center of Minsk on 4 November. The detainees were taken to the police department of Minsk tube.

30.10.2007 25 People Detained in Vitebsk

Twenty five Vitebsk activists were detained today for holding an action of commemoration of the victims of repression.

29.10.2007 Belarusians Recall Victims of Communist Repressions and Demand Release of Political Prisoners

A memorial march and rally dedicated to Dziady – the day of commemoration ancestors - took place today in Minsk. From 1.500 to 2.000 people participated in the action.

19.10.2007 Zhlobin Court Agrees with Local Municipality

Zhlobin court upheld the decision of the local city executive committee which banned a picket in support of Alexander Kazulin.

17.10.2007 Dziady – Ancestors’ Day

Applications for permission for holding an action have been submitted

17.10.2007 Solidarity Action near St. Joseph Church

On October 16th an action of solidarity with the political prisoners and the repressed took place.

15.10.2007 Slovakian Diplomat: We Witnesses Intimidation of People

“Belarusian people want to live in Europe not only geographically; they want to share European values, and the European march demonstrates that”, -- Slovakian charge d’affaires to Belarus Lubomir Rehak commented for BelaPAN the events in Minsk.

15.10.2007 European March Summed Up

Monday morning the organizers of the European March summed up the results of the yesterday’s action. Head of the organizing committee Viktar Ivashkevich pointed out, the action had shown both the achievements and the shortcomings of the opposition.

14.10.2007 European March: Chronicle

The chronicle of event during the European March

11.10.2007 Vitsebsk: Entrepreneurs again Ask to Permit Meeting of Protest

The entrepreneurs of Vitsebsk again ask the authorities to authorize their meeting in the place that had been specified for such actions, 30-hoddzia VLKSM Park, 1 a.m. to 3 a.m. on 29 October. About 500 individual entrepreneurs and their employees intend to take part in the action.

11.10.2007 Detention of ?For Freedom’s’ Activist Parsiukevich: New Details

The activist of For Freedom movement Siarhei Parsiukevich was detained in Vitsebsk. At the moment of detention he scotch-taped his mouth mutely, so that the police could not accuse him of ?swearing in public’.

10.10.2007 European March Organizer Yauhen Afnahel Arrested Right after Negotiations with Minsk Authorities

On 8 October Minsk Tsentralny district court sentenced the European March applicant, activist of the civil campaign For Freedom Yauhen Afnahel to 10 days of arrest. Afnahel was under observation since he left Minsk City Executive Committee where he participated in the negotiations with the city authorities on holding the European March. The oppositionist was meanly caught by the police on fabricated charges. The trial of the applicant of the European March was closed, without a lawyer.

10.10.2007 Police Detain Democratic Activist Aliaksandr Atroshchankau

A democratic activist Aliaksandar Atroschankau was arrested late at night on 9 October in Minsk. The police burst into his apartment on the first store through a window and searched it. Office equipment, including a computer and information materials on the European March, EU flags and the Belarusian national emblem Pahonia made of plaster were withdrawn.

08.10.2007 Svetlahorsk: Police Look for Mineral Fertilizers in Bookcases

In the evening of 5 October in Svetlahorsk the police searched the apartment of a local democratic activist Telman Masliukou. They said that they were looking for canisters with mineral fertilizers.

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