News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

03.06.2008 Picket against repeal of benefits for children in Brest

1 June about thirty activists of Brest opposition held a picket in honor of the International Children’s Day. The picket was organized by the local coalition of the united democratic forces and lasted since 4 till 5 p.m. The aim of the action was drawing the public attention to the repeal of the social benefits for children as a result of the enforcement of the law On the state social benefits, right and guarantees for certain categories of citizens in 2007. The action participants also installed a stand with information about this issue.

28.05.2008 Sviatlana Zavadskaya sues Mikhail Tsitsiankou

Sviatlana Zavadskaya, widow of the forcibly kidnapped ORT TV cameraman, appealed to court against the decision of Mikhail Titsenkou, deputy head of the Minsk city executive committee, on banning a picket, dedicated to the anniversary of disappearing of Yury Zakharanka, the former minister of the internal affairs.

27.05.2008 Last sentences in the ‘case of 14’

Chronicle of the trial

27.05.2008 Zmitser Khvedaruk gets 10 days of jail for celebrating Day of Europe

12 May Zmitser Khvedaruk, one of the leaders of the Young Front, was sentenced in absentia to 10 days of arrest for participation in the action on 1 May, the Day of Europe. Besides, he must pay a fine of 1 050 000 rubles (about 493 US dollars) for allegedly resistance to the police during the detention. He was informed about the verdict only on 23 May.

23.05.2008 Siarhei Abrazouski fined again

22 May the judge of Pukhavichy district court Sviatlana Akulich ruled to fine the civil activist Siarhei Abrazouski 1.4 million rubles for alleged organization of an unauthorized rally against the construction of a chemical plant near Minsk heating station #5.

23.05.2008 Yauhen Afnahel sentenced to 7 days of jail

Activist of the civil campaign European Belarus Yauhen Afnahel was sentenced in is absence to 7 days of arrest by the Pershamaiski district court. The activist has received a copy of the decision of court by post today.

23.05.2008 ‘Case of 14’: trial postponed till 26 May

The trail over the participants of the protest of entrepreneurs has been postponed till 26 May, 9.30 a.m. Maksim Dashuk, Mikhal Subach and Pavel Vinahradau will appear in court. Another participant of the process – Alexander Barazenka, is abroad now. The case will be judged by Viktar Yesman.

19.05.2008 Riot police dispersed action of solidarity in Salihorsk

Youth activists went out to the main square in Salihorsk on the Day of Solidarity to express support to political prisoners Andrei Kim, Siarhei Parsiukevich and Aliaksandr Kazulin.

15.05.2008 Authorities demand actions of protest against chemical plant be stopped

A group of state officials headed by the energy minister Alexander Aziartsou has met with the working collective of heat station #5 in the settlement of Druzhny (Pukhavichy district). Earlier the officials demanded that the people stopped the actions of protest against the construction of a chemical plant, started by the Russian company Avgust-Bel. The activists stay they will sue on this issue.

14.05.2008 Detentions of youth activists in Polatsk

14 May, at 7.30 p.m., an action in support of political prisoners took place in Polatsk. Members of the Young Front and the Belarusian Christian Democracy held a banner Freedom to Political Prisoners. The action lasted for several minutes only. Then its participants were detained and guarded to a police department. Among them there is Mikalai Dzemidzenka Siarhei Hlinski, Siarhei Karalionak, Ales Krutkin, Zmitser Sakalou and Mikhas (surname not known yet).

14.05.2008 Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka fined

The judge of Chyhunachny district court of Vitsebsk Uladzislau Shykarou ruled to fine the activist of the Conservative-Christian Party Belarusian People’s Front Siarhei Kavalenka under part 3 of Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the rules for organizing and holding mass actions) for participation in a peaceful mass action on 26 April, dedicated to an anniversary of Chernobyl accident.

14.05.2008 Police draw report against Viktar Sazonau

14 May in Hrodna the police majors Piatro Lenets and Ivan Vechar paid a visit to the human rights activist Viktar Sazonau. They drew on him a violation report under article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of the rules for organizing or holding mass action) for participation in the concert of the Polish band Lombard in Hrodna.

Mahiliou: court mocks at democratic activists

14.05.2008 Mahiliou: court mocks at democratic activists

Leninski district court of Mahiliou has turned down a complaint that had been filed by Alexander Irkho and Alexander Silkou, activists of the unregistered Freedom and Progress Party (FPP).

Miron hangs out another flag

14.05.2008 Miron hangs out another flag

The legendary Miron has carried out another action in Vitsebsk. He hanged out a white-red-white flag on the roof of a 16-storeyed house, one of the highest buildings in the city.

14.05.2008 White-red-white flags over Minsk

White-red-white national flags appeared in Minsk and other Belarusians towns on the 13th anniversary of referendum 1995, when the national symbols were forbidden.

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