News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Over 110 cities against Europe's last dictatorship

18.03.2010 Over 110 cities against Europe's last dictatorship

Tomorrow, on Thursday 18th March 2010, the Young European Federalists (JEF) and numerous global partners will protest against Europe's last standing dictatorship on the fourth anniversary of the disputed presidential elections in Belarus.

17.03.2010 Arrested participants of action of solidarity in Minsk to stand trials

Reports were drawn up against European Belarus activists detained near the Supreme Court on March 16.

13 activists of European Belarus were arrested for having come with portraits of political prisoners to the Supreme Court, where Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka are standing trial.

11.03.2010 Fines for picket near Lithuanian Embassy

On 10 March Maksim Viniarski, Palina Kuryianovich and Palina Dziiakava were detained by police for an unauthorized picket near the Lithuanian Embassy where they unfurled a streamer ‘No to cooperation with Belarusian dictatorship’ in order to protest against the invitation of Aliaksandr Lukashenka to festivities on occasion of the 20th anniversary of Reestablishment of independence of Lithuania.

Detentions for picketing near Lithuanian Embassy

10.03.2010 Detentions for picketing near Lithuanian Embassy

Young activists Maksim Viniarski, Palina Kuryianovich and Palina Dziakava held a protest action today morning. They unfurled a banner ‘No to Cooperation with Belarusian Dictatorship!’ near the Embassy of Lithuania in Minsk in Zakharau Street to protest against the invitation of Aliaksandr Lukashenka to the festivities on occasion of the 20th anniversary of Reestablishment of the independence of Lithuania.

04.03.2010 Spoiled holiday

The students who had taken part in the festival of the Belarusian language were made to write explanatory notes concerning the event. It was the first year when the festival was organized officially.

02.03.2010 Vitsebsk police consider mass actions as business events

Businessmen have faced an unusual interpretation of the constitutional right to freedom of assembly.

02.03.2010 Tatsiana Shaputska lodged claim against Belarusian State University

The Young Front activist appeals against her unlawful expulsion from the university. According to the information given by Tatsiana in an interview to the ERB, she lodged the claim on 28 February with the Maskouski district court in Minsk.

Unauthorized action directed against NPP construction takes place in Belarus

22.02.2010 Unauthorized action directed against NPP construction takes place in Belarus

An unauthorized picket directed against the construction of the Belarusian NPP took place in Minsk on February 20. It was organized by an anarchist group “AntiNuclear Resistance”.

According to the information, published by a user group minsk_by, about 40 people gathered there shouting out antinuclear and anarchist mottos.

Aleh Surhan sentenced to six months of arrest

19.02.2010 Aleh Surhan sentenced to six months of arrest

On 19 February, the Kastrychnitski district court in Vitsebsk sentenced Aleh Surhan, 47, to six month of arrest and obliged him to pay 2.5 million rubles as compensation to the alleged victim, policeman Siarhei Dudkevich. The arrest term is calculated from 27 January, the day when Surhan was detained.

18.02.2010 Pressurization of opposition activists detained on 14 February

The Young Front activists who have taken part in an action on Freedom square on St. Valentine’s Day on 14 February are pressurized at and in education establishments.

Minsk: police disperse action of solidarity with Polish minority

17.02.2010 Minsk: police disperse action of solidarity with Polish minority

On 16 February the riot police dispersed the action of solidarity on Kastrychnitskaya Square in central Minsk. Some of the action participants were detained preventively on the way to the square. Riot policemen also prevented journalists from making photos. As soon as they saw a camera, they ringed the journalist. In some cases, they even tried hitting on cameras.

Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

15.02.2010 Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

About 30 young democratic activists were detained by police as a result of the violent dispersal of the St. Valentine Day action in the center of Minsk. Riot policemen grabbed them by hands and feet and threw into paddy wagons. Two hours after the detention the police released the detainees without giving any charges.

Hrodna: action of Union of Poles took place under police surveillance

10.02.2010 Hrodna: action of Union of Poles took place under police surveillance

At 1.20 p.m. two police officers and a cameraman came to the Polonika firm. They warned Andrei Pachobut, Chairperson of the Main Council of the Union of Poles in Belarus in disgrace, that activists of the organization were preparing an unauthorized action.

How Belarusian riot militia impedes and threaten journalists

09.02.2010 How Belarusian riot militia impedes and threaten journalists

Riot militiamen were threatening bodily harm to journalists during dispersing an opposition demonstration on February 8.

This can be seen and heard on the footage by Radio Svaboda journalist Aleh Hruzdzilovich. Riot militiamen didn’t react to a journalist’s request to stop hindering him to perform professional duties, but continued pushing him and close camera with their hands.

Opposition rally in Minsk disbanded

09.02.2010 Opposition rally in Minsk disbanded

20 persons have been detained on February on October Square 8 in Minsk. Riot policemen again prevented journalists from doing their work, acting in thuggish methods.

Opposition activists were set to hold a rally of solidarity with political prisoners Mikalai Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka, who are kept in the remand prison for a year already.

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