News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Malaryta: human rights activists agitate against death penalty during Town Day and 'Dazhynki' festival

05.10.2010 Malaryta: human rights activists agitate against death penalty during Town Day and 'Dazhynki' festival

Human rights defenders held an action against the death penalty in Belarus during the Town Day and the Dazhynki festival in Malaryta.

  Participants of picket for Belarusian language in Hrodna to stand trial

20.09.2010 Participants of picket for Belarusian language in Hrodna to stand trial

Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Ales Astrouski demanded the authorities to grant a constitutional right to their children to study in Belarusian.

On September 23 the court of Leninski district of Hrodna is to try the administrative case against Uladzimir Khilmanovich, who together with the family of Professor Ales Astrouski staged a picket in front of the building of the city executive committee on September 2.

Belarusian militia arrests demonstrators and seizes portraits of killed journalists

17.09.2010 Belarusian militia arrests demonstrators and seizes portraits of killed journalists

Residents of Minsk gathered near Church of St Joseph holding portraits of the repressed people on Solidarity Day.

More than 40 activists of Belarusian Christian Democracy, European Belarus civil campaign, Young Front, and Tell the Truth campaign took part in the picket.

Only about 20 people managed to get to ’Battle of Orsha’ feast

13.09.2010 Only about 20 people managed to get to ’Battle of Orsha’ feast

The traditional festival dedicated to the important historical date - the victory of Orsha in 1514 troops of the Grand Duchy of Moscow, was scheduled for 12 September this year. 8 September, the day of the battle, is celebrated as the Day of the Belarusian military glory by the opposition.

Minsk authorities ban informational pickets

10.09.2010 Minsk authorities ban informational pickets

Mr. Tsitsiankou, Deputy Chairperson of the Minsk City Executive Committee, thinks that such actions will hinder the movement of pedestrians.

Activists of 'Speak Truth' deatined at hockey match

10.09.2010 Activists of 'Speak Truth' deatined at hockey match

As told to the European Radio for Belarus by the press-secretary of the civil campaign Speak Truth, Yuliya Rymasheuskaya, 12 activists of the campaign were detained at the yesterday’s hockey match between the Minsk Dynama and the Russian Torpedo (from Nizhniy Novgorod). The detainees were guarded to the Tsentralny District Police Department. This time, the police acted more violently than during the detention of participants of the football match between Romania and Belarus. The people were forced to take off the T-shirts with the Speak Truth logo. Police officers tore off the T-shirts from those who didn’t obey this order.

Detentions for pillow fight

09.09.2010 Detentions for pillow fight

The attempt to hold a pillow fight that hadn’t been permitted by the Minsk authorities ended with mass detentions. The action was dated to the 496th anniversary of the Battle of Orsha, which is celebrated by the Belarusian Military Glory Day by the opposition circles.

Detention of five ‘Young Front’ activists near Russian Embassy

08.09.2010 Detention of five ‘Young Front’ activists near Russian Embassy

The Young Front members Ihar Aliakseyeu, Eduard Lobau, Ales Stasiuk, Vadzim Petryk and Dzmitry Yasevich were detained near the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk in order to pass an address on the occasion of the Day of the Belarusian Military Glory (that is not recognized by the Belarusian authorities).

About 50 oppositionists arrested before match Romania-Belarus

08.09.2010 About 50 oppositionists arrested before match Romania-Belarus

About 50 activists of the Speak Truth campaign were arrested by the police in Minsk at the Minsk stadium Dinamo. Those who came to the stadium were told to unfasten their coats. Those who were wearing T-shirts with the inscription Speak Truth (about 50 people) were detained. The civil activists Yury Aleinik, Dzianis Kobruseu, Aleh Miatselitsa and about 40 other detainees were taken first to the police room of the stadium and then guarded to police station #1.

Hrodna: family picket for Belarusian school

03.09.2010 Hrodna: family picket for Belarusian school

On 2 September, Professor Aliaksandr Astrouski, his wife Aksana and their children came to Lenin Square in Hrodna and unfurled banners with slogans in front of the windows of the city executive committee.

Minsk authorities ban pillow fight dedicated to anniversary of battle of Orsha

03.09.2010 Minsk authorities ban pillow fight dedicated to anniversary of battle of Orsha

The Minsk City Executive Committee refused to authorize the action Pillow Fight which was planned for 8 September to mark the Battle of Orsha.

Mazyr authorities ban meeting at site of self-immolation by Jews

30.08.2010 Mazyr authorities ban meeting at site of self-immolation by Jews

Mazyr town authorities banned a meeting at the site of self-immolation committed by some 20 Jews on 31 August 1941, the BelaPAN news agency reports, quoting Pavel Nazdra, chair of the Belarusian Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Monuments.

Mahilou city authorities forbid municipal pickets

18.08.2010 Mahilou city authorities forbid municipal pickets

Protests against increasing utility bills are planned to be held near the building of the former culture center.

Activists of the organizing committee on creating the Freedom and Progress Party planned to have pickets to gather signatures for solving community problems, such as polyclinic construction, repairing roads and pedestrian street extending, but the pickets were banned in Mahilou, BelaPAN reports.

Authorities ban August 16 opposition march

13.08.2010 Authorities ban August 16 opposition march

The Minsk city government has denied permission for opposition forces to stage a march and a rally on August 16 to demand an international investigation into the disappearances of four opponents of Alyaksandr Lukashenka, BelaPAN reports.

Mahiliou regional authorities ban ‘Havary Praudu’ pickets

12.08.2010 Mahiliou regional authorities ban ‘Havary Praudu’ pickets

Mahiliou city executive committee banned a picket for nominating Uladzimer Niakliayeu, head of the ‘Rukh Naperad’ association, for participation in the forthcoming All-Belarusian People’s Congress, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports.

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