News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

18.03.2011 Minsk Executive Committee allows Freedom Day action in Bangalore Square

The organizers of the action do not want to go there; they had been planning to gather people in Yakub Kolas Square.

Polatsk court upholds picket ban

17.03.2011 Polatsk court upholds picket ban

On 16 March, Polatsk Town and District Court dismissed an appeal lodged by local activist Mr. Kalesnik against official of the town executive committee Mrs. Hanebnaya, who banned a picket of solidarity with the victims of the 19 December 2010 police crackdown scheduled for 19 February.

Mahiliou Region Court upholds verdicts to participants of solidarity pickets

11.03.2011 Mahiliou Region Court upholds verdicts to participants of solidarity pickets

As said by lawyer Barys Bukhel, the Mahiliou Region Court left standing the verdicts of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou.

01.03.2011 Navapolatsk authorities have banned three pickets lately

The picket applied for by the Independent trade union of workers of the open joint stock company Naftan was banned because of… quarantine.

12 days of arrest for visit to Catholic church

09.02.2011 12 days of arrest for visit to Catholic church

On 8 February Yauhen Khatkevich, Judge of the Maskouski District Court of Minsk, sentenced a Minsk resident Mikhas Lebedz to 12 days of arrest.

Mahiliou: imprisoned for action of solidarity

08.02.2011 Mahiliou: imprisoned for action of solidarity

On 8 February the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou considered the administrative case of Valiantsin Labachou, Siarhei Niahatsin and Natallia Shkadun, participants of an action of solidarity with the families of the missing political activists held in Mahiliou on 16 January.

Minsk authorities criminalize last legal rally location

04.02.2011 Minsk authorities criminalize last legal rally location

Minsk city executive committee dismissed an application for holding a picket in Minsk Bangalore Square on 5 February, lodged by local activists of Fair World leftist party, reports, quoting the party’s deputy chair Valery Ukhnaliou.

At least 22 protesters detained after solidarity picket outside KGB Minsk office

19.01.2011 At least 22 protesters detained after solidarity picket outside KGB Minsk office

At least 22 persons have reportedly been detained and taken to Minsk Tsentralny police department after a picket of solidarity with the accused in the 19 December mass riot criminal case, staged outside the KGB central office.

Suspect in 'mass riot' case Vasil Parfiankou is kept in pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street

11.01.2011 Suspect in 'mass riot' case Vasil Parfiankou is kept in pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street

Vasil Parfiankou is another suspect in the criminal case concerning the 'mass riot' on 19 December 2010 in Minsk.

23.12.2010 Police say that they identified most of people who took part in «mass riots» on December 19

The police announced on Wednesday that they had identified most of the people who they said took part in "mass riots" in Minsk on December 19.

Protest rally leaders to face criminal prosecution, says Interior Minister Kuliashou

20.12.2010 Protest rally leaders to face criminal prosecution, says Interior Minister Kuliashou

The organizers of the 19 December Minsk protest rally are likely to face criminal charges, informs the Nasha Niva newspaper, quoting the BelaPAN news agency.

Hrodna: police disrupt picket against early voting

16.12.2010 Hrodna: police disrupt picket against early voting

The members of Uladzimir Niakliayeu's electoral team from Hrodna Aleh Kalinkou and Kiryl Semianchuk held a picket against early voting near Hrodna State Agrarian University.

16.12.2010 Minsk: activists of Citizen hand out symbolic writs to members of election commissions

Activists of the civil campaign Citizen started going round the precinct election commissions in Minsk. They plan to remind each of the 9,000 members of these commissions about the criminal responsibility for incorrect counting of votes and other violations of the electoral legislation.

<em>Young Front</em> tells Makei to lay down weapons

16.12.2010 Young Front tells Makei to lay down weapons

Three activists of the Young Front were detained by the police for picketing the Presidential Administration on 15 December. According to one of the detainees, they held the action in connection with the recent statements of the head of the Presidential Administration, Uladzimir Makei, that the opposition was preparing terrorist acts with explosives for 19 December.

13.12.2010 Homel activists are banned to hold a rally against Lukashenka

On 12 December the Homel activists Uladzimir Siakerka and Valery Klimau could not conduct a meeting with voters aimed at anti-Lukashenka agitation.

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