News on the topic: elections-2014

Shklou activists complain about violations of electoral legislation

02.03.2014 Shklou activists complain about violations of electoral legislation

February 28, BPF Deputy Chairman Ryhor Kastusiou filed a complaint with the Shklou District Prosecutor's Office in order to draw attention to violations of the electoral legislation during the publication of the data of candidates for the Shklou District Council in the district newspaper “Udarny Front”.

Horki: alternative candidate complains about biased attitude of the electoral commission

02.03.2014 Horki: alternative candidate complains about biased attitude of the electoral commission

Entrepreneur Andrei Bazhko became popular among Horki district residents after a picket near the local PMC in 2011, when he demanded to pay the money earned by him in the JSC "Aleksandryiskaye" in the Shklou district. Mr. Bazhko managed to get his demands implemented. He is not a member of any political party and positions himself as an independent candidate.

Rechytsa: independent candidate gets warned for nothing

02.03.2014 Rechytsa: independent candidate gets warned for nothing

On February 28 at a meeting of the Rechytsa District Election Commission a candidate for the district council, coordinator of the civil campaign “Tell the Truth!” Aleh Shabetnik was issued with a warning.

Hrodna Regional Election Commission rejects nine complaints

28.02.2014 Hrodna Regional Election Commission rejects nine complaints

On February 28, a meeting of the Hrodna Regional Election Commission considered complaints by candidates that were earlier denied registration in different constituencies. Observer Viktar Sazonau, who attended the meeting, said that the Commission had considered nine complaints of eight different people.

Employer: Dismissal of opposition candidate due to lack of competence

28.02.2014 Employer: Dismissal of opposition candidate due to lack of competence

"Nothing personal, they ordered to fire you," Viktar Harbacheuski, a member of the BCD organizing committee, who is running as a candidate for the Kobryn City Council, heard these words from the director of a private company "Velpak-Kobryn", Andrei Beze.

Election commission in Mahiliou cancels registration of opposition candidate

27.02.2014 Election commission in Mahiliou cancels registration of opposition candidate

At the meeting of February 26, the Mahiliou City Election Commission canceled the registration of a candidate from the Belarusian Left Party "Fair World", Anatol Zauyalau. He was nominated in constituency No. 18.

Ideology officials in Orsha ban radio performance by critical candidate

26.02.2014 Ideology officials in Orsha ban radio performance by critical candidate

The recording was made on February 25 and was expected to be aired today. However, local ideology officials opposed it over a paragraph of the speech by candidate Mikalai Dziamidau.

Vitsebsk Regional Court sides with election commission who deceived voters

26.02.2014 Vitsebsk Regional Court sides with election commission who deceived voters

Aliaksei Haurutsikau and Khrystafor Zhaliapau presented to the court a written explanation of citizens whose signatures for their nomination were invalidated. Some of them appeared in court to tell about how they had been deceived. But neither the prosecutor nor the Regional Court wanted to admit the decision to deny registration was illegal.

20 constituencies uncontested in Hrodna

25.02.2014 20 constituencies uncontested in Hrodna

An officially published list of registered candidates for the Hrodna City Council says only 41 candidates were registered by the City Election Commission in a total of 30 electoral districts of the city. 20 constituencies will be uncontested, voting in these districts loses all meaning.

Babruisk: Registration denied to Tell the Truth members only?

25.02.2014 Babruisk: Registration denied to Tell the Truth members only?

Official sources are in no hurry to inform the residents of Babruisk on the election campaign. From the outset, information is issues in small portions, and despite the fact that the registration of candidates for deputies to the City Council finished on February 21, their names yet remain a mystery.

Bialynichy police threat with responsibility for riots during elections

25.02.2014 Bialynichy police threat with responsibility for riots during elections

The website of the Bialynichy District Executive Committee posted a document in the category “Elections 2014” signed by the police department chief Colonel Yury Simanau.

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”: Privacy of procedures causes distrust of CEC decisions on registration of candidates

24.02.2014 “Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”: Privacy of procedures causes distrust of CEC decisions on registration of candidates

Human rights defenders say there are no major developments in the election process due to recent changes in the electoral law, as the campaign reached its halfway point. The selective approach by election officials, criticized by human rights defenders during the formation of election commissions, still prevails at the next stage, the nomination and registration of candidates.

Report on the results of registration of campaign teams and candidates for deputies

24.02.2014 Report on the results of registration of campaign teams and candidates for deputies

Monitoring of the elections to the Local Councils of Deputies of the Republic of Belarus of the 27th Convocation is conducted by activists of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" within the frames of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections".

Results of registration of candidates in regions

21.02.2014 Results of registration of candidates in regions

A meeting was held yesterday in Homel to approve the registration of candidates for the Homel City Council of Deputies. According to observer Anatol Paplauny, 108 candidates were registered, 16 nominations were rejected, including those of pro-democratic candidates (5 UCP candidates, one – “Fair World”) and civil society activists Kastus Zhukouski (coalition “Our Alternative”) and Halina Krauchanka (initiative “Homel Democratic Forum”).

41 candidates for 40 seats in Mazyr District Council

21.02.2014 41 candidates for 40 seats in Mazyr District Council

Mazyr district election commission met yesterday to register of candidates for the District Council. 45 applications were submitted in 40 constituencies, and 41 candidates were eventually registered.

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