News on the topic: elections-2014

Shklou District Council to have 35 seats instead of 40

03.01.2014 Shklou District Council to have 35 seats instead of 40

Shklou District Election Commission adopted the decision to establish 35 constituencies for the election of deputies to Shklou District Council of the 27th convocation. The decision was published in the local newspaper "Udarny Front" (№ 101 of 31 December 2013).

Report on the results of the formation of territorial election commissions

02.01.2014 Report on the results of the formation of territorial election commissions

Monitoring of the elections to the Local Councils of Deputies of the Republic of Belarus of the 27th Convocation is conducted by activists of the of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" within the frames of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections". 29 long-term observers of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" are involved in the observation.

No representatives of democratic forces in election commissions of Polatsk, Navapolatsk and Orsha

28.12.2013 No representatives of democratic forces in election commissions of Polatsk, Navapolatsk and Orsha

Democratic activists were not included in the district election commissions, which were, according to local authorities, formed with "the most energetic and capable members". Meanwhile, Orsha representatives of the UCP (Henadz Ananyeu) and the Left Party "Fair World" (Vasil Kabacheusku) were not included in the district election commission. It were just these party members who were tossed out of 16 nominees.

Rechytsa district election commission headed by “representatives of the public”

28.12.2013 Rechytsa district election commission headed by “representatives of the public”

When creating territorial election commissions, the authorities strictly adhere to the quota – a third of the commission members should represent the public. However, it's true only on paper. In reality, that all of that "public representatives" hold senior positions at the local level.

Representative of Fair World party included in Vitsebsk regional election commission

28.12.2013 Representative of Fair World party included in Vitsebsk regional election commission

13 of 17 applicants were included in the regional election commission. The nominees represented political parties and public associations (10 persons), as well as citizens by submitting applications (6 persons), and labor collectives (1 person).

Biaroza district election commission created in less than 6 minutes

28.12.2013 Biaroza district election commission created in less than 6 minutes

As human rights defenders learned from chief of the personnel department, Vitay Mshara, the executive committee received documents from 18 persons, 13 of them were eventually elected commission members. According to chairman of the district executive committee Yury Narkevich, these are people with experience.

Brest: None of opposition nominees gets into city election commission

28.12.2013 Brest: None of opposition nominees gets into city election commission

Brest city territorial election commission for the elections of deputies of the Brest City Council was formed yesterday.

Mahiliou region: No opposition activists in territorial election commissions

27.12.2013 Mahiliou region: No opposition activists in territorial election commissions

Meanwhile, Mahiliou pro-democratic activists nominated two people to the regional election commission, and one person to the city election commission.

Representatives of opposition parties not included in Homel regional election commission

27.12.2013 Representatives of opposition parties not included in Homel regional election commission

A joint meeting of Homel regional executive committee and the Regional Council of Deputies on the formation of the regional election commission was held today. The meeting was attended by a BHC member Viktar Adzinochanka. According to him, the meeting lasted 15 minutes and 48 seconds.

Hrodna region: No representatives of opposition on territorial commissions

27.12.2013 Hrodna region: No representatives of opposition on territorial commissions

The formation of Hrodna city and regional election commissions was held on December 27 without any surprises and sensations, local human rights defenders Raman Yurhel and Viktar Sazonau say.

Baranavichy city election commission created in 4 minutes

27.12.2013 Baranavichy city election commission created in 4 minutes

Baranavichy city election commission consists of 13 members: two party members and five persons from non-governmental organizations, three representatives from labor collectives and three nominees by collecting signatures. Its composition was approved today, on December 27, at a joint meeting of the city executive committee and the Presidium of Baranavichy City Council.

Zhodzina: no changes in formation of town election commission

27.12.2013 Zhodzina: no changes in formation of town election commission

A general meeting of the Presidium of Zhodzina City Council of Deputies and Zhodzina executive Committee was held on December 26 to form the district election commission and approve the candidates for the town election commission for the upcoming local councils elections.

Salihorsk: Formation of territorial election commission still a secret

27.12.2013 Salihorsk: Formation of territorial election commission still a secret

BHC Salihorsk activist Leanid Markhotka managed to attend a meeting for the formation of the district election commission, however, the principle of its formation and the names of the elected members of the commission remained a mystery to the public.

Human rights defender not allowed to attend formation of district election commission in Mazyr

27.12.2013 Human rights defender not allowed to attend formation of district election commission in Mazyr

On December 26, joint meeting of the district executive committee and the District Council was held in Mazyr to form the district election commission. Ahead of the meeting, the Belarusian Helsinki Committee submitted an application to the executive committee with a request to allow its local representative Uladzimir Tseliapun to attend the meeting.

Changes in the Electoral Code do not reflect essential criticism by independent observers

20.12.2013 Changes in the Electoral Code do not reflect essential criticism by independent observers

The first press conference of a campaign of monitoring the local elections of the 27th convocation was held today in Minsk. Human rights defenders Valiantsin Stefanovich (HRC "Viasna") and Aleh Hulak (BHC) spoke about the socio-political background, against which the elections will be held, as well as about changes to the Electoral Code, which, incidentally, do not reflect the fundamental observations and recommendations made by both Belarusian and foreign independent observers.

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