News on the topic: criminal case of Ales Bialiatski

Ales Bialiatski is in Babruisk penal colony

28.02.2012 Ales Bialiatski is in Babruisk penal colony

Ales Bialiatski has finally been convoyed to Babruisk penal colony No. 2, after he left Zhodzina prison to spend eleven days in a detention center in Minsk, says the human rights defender's wife, quoting the penal facility's administration.

27.02.2012 Ales Byalyatski still in transit to prison in Babruysk

Convicted human rights defender Ales Byalyatski has not yet been placed in Correctional Institution No. 2 in Babruysk, Mahilyow region, to serve his prison sentence.

"Criminalization" of Human Rights Defenders Condemned

17.02.2012 "Criminalization" of Human Rights Defenders Condemned

In a press conference, the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA), Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP) and Human Rights Defenders-Pilipinas (HRDP), condemned a global pattern of repression of human rights defenders.

Ales Bialiatski transferred to Babruisk penal colony

17.02.2012 Ales Bialiatski transferred to Babruisk penal colony

The imprisoned leader of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski has been convoyed to penal colony No. 2 in the town of Babruisk, Mahiliou region, to serve his 4.5-year term for alleged tax evasion, the human rights defender’s wife says.

Minsk City Court upholds verdict to Valiantsin Stefanovich

14.02.2012 Minsk City Court upholds verdict to Valiantsin Stefanovich

On 13 February the Minsk City Court upheld the verdict issued to the to the deputy-head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Valiantsin Stefanovich by the Partyzanski District Court of Minsk.

26.01.2012 Polish Sejm to nominate Ales Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize

A number of MPs of the Polish Sejm are expected to announce their involvement in the nomination of Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski for the Nobel Peace Prize this Friday, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports.

Human Rights House Network calls for immediate release and rehabilitation of Ales Bialiastki

26.01.2012 Human Rights House Network calls for immediate release and rehabilitation of Ales Bialiastki

The condemnation of Ales Bialiatski illustrates how seriously threatened freedom of association and freedom of expression are in Belarus. Members and partners of the Human Rights House Network call upon Belarusian authorities to immediately release and drop all charges against human rights defender Ales Bialiatski; to fully rehabilitate him and to ensure unhampered activities of human rights and other civil society organizations.

Bialiatski should be set free, says OSCE Chairperson

26.01.2012 Bialiatski should be set free, says OSCE Chairperson

The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Eamon Gilmore T.D., expressed his regret today that prominent Belarusian human rights defender Aliaksandr (Ales) Bialiatski was not freed on appeal.

Viasna won’t stop working!

25.01.2012 Viasna won’t stop working!

Despite yesterday’s ruling by the Minsk City Court confirming the 4.5-year prison term to Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski, the Human Rights Center “Viasna” will continue its activities on a regular basis in the office it has occupied unless the premises are seized.

Schulz condemns courts' decisions in Belarus

25.01.2012 Schulz condemns courts' decisions in Belarus

"Bialiatski should be released unconditionally along with the remaining political prisoners", says President of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.

Belarus: Commissioner Füle with the activists of Viasna

25.01.2012 Belarus: Commissioner Füle with the activists of Viasna

Brussels - Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy Štefan Füle met Vice-President of the Belarusian Human Rights Centre “Viasna” Valiantin Stefanovic to discuss the situation of human rights activists in Belarus.

The Observatory' s press release: Sentencing of Ales Bialiatski confirmed

25.01.2012 The Observatory' s press release: Sentencing of Ales Bialiatski confirmed

Paris-Geneva, January 24, 2012. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), strongly condemns the confirmation of the sentencing to prison of Mr. Ales Bialiatski, President of the Human Rights Centre (HRC) “Viasna” and FIDH Vice-President.

Minsk City Court upholds verdict to Ales Bialiatski

24.01.2012 Minsk City Court upholds verdict to Ales Bialiatski

Minsk City Court has upheld the 4.5-year verdict to Viasna leader Ales Bialiatski, dismissing the cassational appeal lodged by lawyer Dzmitry Layeuski.

Cassation appeal on Ales Bialiatski's case to be considered on 24 January

23.01.2012 Cassation appeal on Ales Bialiatski's case to be considered on 24 January

The cassation appeal of Ales Bialiatski against the verdict of the Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk will be considered by the panel of judges of the Minsk City Court on 24 January. The hearings begin on 10 a.m.

Belarusian NGO leaders thank people for joining campaign of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

19.01.2012 Belarusian NGO leaders thank people for joining campaign of solidarity with Ales Bialiatski

We, representatives of Belarusian civil society, would like to express our deep gratitude to the citizens of Belarus who acceded to our appeal for solidarity with the imprisoned leader of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski through contribution to the money-raising campaign to “repair the damage inflicted by the offence”, as ordered by a court ruling.

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