News on the topic: detention

26.11.2007 Police in Minsk Disperse Demonstration in Support of Kazulin

Four opposition activists were grabbed by police in downtown Minsk on Sunday afternoon as they together with several more youths attempted to stage a demonstration in support of imprisoned former presidential candidate Alexander Kazulin who turned 52 on that day.

09.11.2007 Mahiliou: Police Detaine Hanna Illina and Maryna Nestserava

On 8 November in the center of Mahiliou the police detained two girls. The policemen explained the detention by saying that the girls looked like the robbers who had stolen a mobile phone. During the detention Maryna Nestserava was holding leaflets with information about a new criminal case against a Young Front leader Zmitser Dashkevich.

09.11.2007 Why Mock at Participants of Halloween Celebration?

The youth activists Andrei Kim, Tatsiana Lashkarova, Yury Shalin and Valiantsin Sakalouski were arrested on 21 October for celebrating Halloween in Minsk. They were charged with ‘public moral’ offense.

Salihorsk: Ivan Shyla Faces New Criminal Case?

08.11.2007 Salihorsk: Ivan Shyla Faces New Criminal Case?

The youth activist Ivan Shyla was detained on 7 November, during a picket in the main square of Salihorsk. Together with him the police detained several other action participants. While the district officials were lying flowers to the monument of Lenin seven persons unrolled the transparency ‘Put Communism to Tribunal’. The action lasted for 15 seconds only.

05.11.2007 Niasvizh: Police Detain ‘Young Front’ Activists for Celebrating Vitushka’s Birthday

On 5 November in Niasvizh the police detained the activists of the Young Front Zmitser Banko, Illia and Ivan Shylas and Krystsina Samoylava. Later, near the district police department, they also seized the Young Front member Andrei Tychyna.

05.11.2007 Masty: Police Take Explanations from Aliaksandr Milinkevich

On 4 November, after a street meeting with the citizens of the town of Masty, the police took the politician Aliaksandr Milinkevich to a police station and demanded from him explanations concerning the event. They wanted to know whether it wasn’t an unauthorized mass action.

05.11.2007 Vintsuk Viachorka Detained on the Way to BPF Assembly in Hrodna

On 4 November the chair of the Belarusian People’s Front Party Vintsuk Viachorka was going to Hrodna to take part in the assembly of the BPF organizations of Hrodna district. On the way there the road police groundlessly detained the car by which he was driven to Hrodna. They explained the reasons for the detention with some ‘order’.

05.11.2007 Police Do Not Let Regional Activists to Minsk for Social March

On the eve of the Social March, similarly to any opposition rally, policemen blocked access to Minsk for regional opposition activists. ‘Policemen in mufti tried to enter my apartment on 4 November in the morning. I didn’t open the doors to them. They were continually standing near my house till 2 p.m., when the Social March ended in Minsk. They asked neighbors about me. I even couldn’t go shopping,’ said a democratic activist from Barysau Zmitser Barodka.

03.11.2007 Nasta Azarka Detained

The girl was detained while she was trying to hitch-hike to Minsk. At first, in the morning, she was detained in Niasvizh. She was taken to Niasvizh district police department and spent there an hour. Then he was put in a patrol car and the police started driving her around the town. When they went out to buy cigarettes she escaped from the car. Soon she was detained again. Now she is kept in Haradzeya district police department. No charges are given to her, but the policemen openly say that she would be kept there till the end of the Social March that is to take place on 4 November.

03.11.2007 Verdicts to Detained for ‘Social March’ Leaflets Distribution

The court of Kastrychnitski district of Minsk sentenced the applicant for holding the Social March Mikhail Pashkevich to 3 days of arrest. A youth activist Mikalai Serhiyenka was sentenced to 15 days of arrest by the court of Partyzanski district of Minsk. Judge Natallia Chatviartkova believes that he had violated article 23.34 of the Administrative Code (violation of rules of mass events).

03.11.2007 Stanislau Kavaleuski Detained

In the morning of 2 November in Mahiliou the police detained the youth activist Stanislau Kavaleuski. Kavaleuski and his friends were going to the university, when a police car approached them. The policemen told that the youngsters reminded of the robbers who had committed a crime half an hour ago. The students were taken to a police station. There the policemen searched their belongings and found in Kavaleuski’s bag leaflets with the heading ‘The authorities rob the students!’

02.11.2007 Vitsebsk: Police Confiscate ‘Narodnaya Volia’

On 30 October at the railway station of Vitsebsk the police detained Ales Pazniak and Ales Yemialyanau. In their bags the policemen found about 400 copies of the non-state newspaper Narodnaya Volia. The activists were taken to Chyhunachny district police department of Vitsebsk and kept there for two hours. Then the activists were released and the newspapers were confiscated. This confiscation is plainly illegal even according to the present legislation, as the newspaper has a state registration and has been printed in conformity with the Belarusian laws.

02.11.2007 New Detentions for Distribution of Materials Concerning Social March

On 2 November in Minsk the police detained one of the organizers of the Social March, the deputy chair of the Young Democrats Mikhail Pashkevich, and his friend Zmitser Kavalhin. The guys distributed agitation materials concerning the mass street action Social March that will take place in the center of Minsk on 4 November. The detainees were taken to the police department of Minsk tube.

02.11.2007 Minsk: Five Days of Jail for Celebration of Halloween

In the evening of 31 October the participants of Halloween celebration Andrei Kim, Tatsiana Lashkarova, Valiantsin Sakalouski and Yury Shalin were detained by the police. They spent the night and the following day at Savetski district police department of Minsk. After 9 p.m. on 1 November they were taken to the remand prison in Akrestsin Street. The trials were appointed on 2 November.

30.10.2007 25 People Detained in Vitebsk

Twenty five Vitebsk activists were detained today for holding an action of commemoration of the victims of repression.

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