News on the topic: detention

13.01.2011 Homel: detention of Kanstantsin Zhukouski

A member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Kanstantsin Zhukouski was detained on 13 January. A report for disorderly conduct was drawn up. A trial will be held soon.

Andrei Mikalayeu – another suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

13.01.2011 Andrei Mikalayeu – another suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

Andrei Mikalayeu was detained at home in the evening of 11 January. KGB officers held a search at his apartment, took away the system block of his computer, a photo camera, CDs and DVDs and guarded him to the detention center in Akrestsin Street for 3 days as a suspect in the criminal case upon Article 293, ‘mass riot’, concerning the 19 December protest rally.

13.01.2011 Tatsiana Seviarynets to lodge complaint against unlawful actions of KGB

Tatsiana Seviarynets is preparing a complaint about the KGB members’ actions to the General Procuracy. They did not allow her to leave for Warsaw in the evening of 12 January.

12.01.2011 Dzmitry Bulanau detained for 3 days as suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

Dzmitry Bulanau, a participant of the protest rally of 19 December, served 10-day arrest, during which he was repeatedly interrogated concerning the events that had taken place during the action.

Maksim Dashuk held in custody since 9 January

12.01.2011 Maksim Dashuk held in custody since 9 January

Maksim’s mother told that he has been kept in the Zhodzina jail since 9 January. That day Zinkevich, an investigator of the Savetski District Police Department of Minsk, came to their home and presented the warrant for arrest of Mr. Dashuk for an alleged violation of the rules of serving his penalty.

Brest: Ihar Sliadzeuski’s apartment was searched and he was guarded to KGB from work

10.01.2011 Brest: Ihar Sliadzeuski’s apartment was searched and he was guarded to KGB from work

Ihar Sliadzeuski is the father of Katsiaryna Sliadzeuskaya, a civil activist who was sentenced to 10 days of arrest for participation in the protest rally in Minsk on 19 December. He is also the owner of the apartment that is rented by a civil activist Yury Bakur that was searched in connection with the criminal case upon Article 293 ‘mass riot’.

06.01.2011 Slonim: civil activist seized outdoors

Barys Kuchynski went out of his house and went to the local post office. A car drove towards him. Two men came out, said they were KGB officers and told him to get in the car. Mr. Kuchynski managed to phone and tell about it. He said he didn't know why he was being taken to KGB this way. He even asked the driver to stop the car and wanted to get off, but wasn't allowed to do it. Shortly before the detention Barys had served a 15-day arrest term for participation in the 19 December protest rally.

Pavel Yukhnevich had to meet New Year in delinquents' isolation center

03.01.2011 Pavel Yukhnevich had to meet New Year in delinquents' isolation center

After the search in the apartment of the photo journalist Yuliya Darashkevich, her husband, an activist of the European Belarus Pavel Yukhnevich was taken to KGB, allegedly for an interrogation. There a report for participation in the protest action that had taken place in the center of Minsk on 19 December was drawn up and the activist was taken to the Maskouski District Court of Minsk.

30.12.2010 Belarusian activist of Russia's National Bolshevik Party arrested by KGB

Yawhen Kontush, a Belarusian activist of Russia’s National Bolshevik Party (Nazbol), has been arrested on Thursday morning, his associate, Valery Kabernik, told BelaPAN.

Activist Franak Viachorka detained

29.12.2010 Activist Franak Viachorka detained

Youth opposition leader Franak Viachorka was reportedly detained this afternoon in Minsk. Franak Viachorka, together with two other youth activists, were taken to pre-trial prison.

Activist Lazar released

28.12.2010 Activist Lazar released

Dzianis Lazar, activist of the Young Front youth opposition movement, previously charged with “disorderly conduct”, has been released from the KGB Minsk pre-trial prison.

23 suspects in “mass riots” criminal case (updated)

26.12.2010 23 suspects in “mass riots” criminal case (updated)

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" has been monitoring the criminal charges brought against Belarusian politicians and civil activists, following the brutal dispersal of the 19 December peaceful protest in MInsk. As of 26 December, twenty three persons have been declared suspects in a criminal case over “mass riots” on 19 December. They may face up to 15 years of imprisonment. 21 of them are currently in the KGB's pre-trial prison. Ryhor Kastusiou released on his own recognizance. The whereabouts of Dmitry Us is still unknown. The deadline for brigning official charges is December 29. Apart from that, three activists, detained ahead of the rally, are facing criminal charges for "disorderly conduct".

International HR groups demand release of EHU students and teachers

23.12.2010 International HR groups demand release of EHU students and teachers

Numerous human rights organizations, including the Human Rights House Foundation (Norway), the Belarusian Human Rights House in exile (Lithuania), Civil Belarus (Czech Republic), Belarus Watch (Lithuania) address Belarusian President Lukashenka with a letter, condemning the brutal crackdown on peaceful protesters, detentions and battery of journalists, human rights defenders and opposition candidates during the 19 December post-election rally in Minsk.

23.12.2010 "Reporters without Borders" demand to release journalists

The international human rights organization "Reporters without Borders" demands to release the journalists detained on December 19 in Minsk, reports BelaPAN.

Dozens Belarusian writers demand release of Uladzimir Niakliayeu

23.12.2010 Dozens Belarusian writers demand release of Uladzimir Niakliayeu

A number of famous Belarusian writers and poets released a joint statement, demanding immediate release of presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu, beaten up and detained on 19 December in Minsk.

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