News on the topic: detention

12.03.2014 Journalist detained in Homel for talking to people

The police detained Anatol Hatouchyts at the central railway station in Homel on March 12.

11.03.2014 BPF activist detained for white-red-white flag

March 11, BPF party’s candidate for Minsk city local council Yauhen Rybakou was detained at the site near Minsk Philharmonic Society building.

Homel police detained social activist for distributing information for owners of private houses

11.03.2014 Homel police detained social activist for distributing information for owners of private houses

March 10 in Homel the police detained an activist of the public initiative “Our Alternative” Andrei Papou who distributed the informational booklets “Don't Let Them Cheat You”, with information about the laws related to the dismantlement of private houses on the order of the authorities.

Belarusian police marked their holiday day by torturing detainee

06.03.2014 Belarusian police marked their holiday day by torturing detainee

Late in the evening of 4 March, the Day of Belarusian Police, activist of the National-Bolshevik movement Dzmitry Paliyenka, who had been repeatedly arrested on fabricated charges, was detained by a police patrol near a fresh graffiti “Down with Police State!”

Continuation of the trial over Viktar Sharshun and white-red-white flag

06.03.2014 Continuation of the trial over Viktar Sharshun and white-red-white flag

The Tsentralny District Court of Minsk held another hearing on the case of Minsker Viktar Sharshun, beaten by the police for hanging a white-red-white flag on his balcony.

Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

06.03.2014 Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Maksim Viniarski, a coordinator of European Belarus, held a picket near the Embassy of Russia in Belarus on March 5.

Baranavichy: activist gets detained for action of solidarity with Ukraine

05.03.2014 Baranavichy: activist gets detained for action of solidarity with Ukraine

On March 4, civil society activist Uladzimir Hundar held one-man picket of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

05.03.2014 Journalist searched and questioned for six hours on the border

Pavel Mitskevich, correspondent for Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorusi, was searched and questioned by Russian border guards for six hours.

Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

03.03.2014 Trial of pensioner Sharshun postponed to March 6

On Match 3 Judge of the Tsentralny District Court Valery Yesman, started considering the “disagreement of Viktar Sharshun to the administrative proceedings against him” - this is the formulation with which the Tsentralny District Prosecutor's Office of Minsk forwarded to the court Mr. Sharshun's appeal against unlawful actions of the police and the request to punish the perpetrators.

Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

03.03.2014 Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

At 2 p.m. on March 2, activists of various social and political movements tried to hold an action of protest near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by policemen in civvies and paddy wagons. The dispersal of the protest action was directed by the head of the Minsk police, Aliaksandr Barsukou. All in all, 23 people were detained, including many journalists. All detainees were taken to the Tsentralny District Police Department. The journalists were soon released.

03.03.2014 Ukrainian detained in central Minsk for asking when Lukashenka's regime will collapse

During the Maslenitsa festivities in Niamiha Street in Minsk on Sunday, 2 March, 28-year-old Ukrainian writer Anton Chernychka was detained for coming up to a policeman and asking when Lukashenka's regime would collapse.

Brutal dispersal of mass event in support of Ukraine

02.03.2014 Brutal dispersal of mass event in support of Ukraine

At 2 p.m. on March 2 activists of various civil society movements tried to hold a protest action near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by paddy wagons and policemen, most of whom were dressed in civvies.

27.02.2014 Belarusian journalist detained at border with Ukraine

Independent journalist Anatol Hatouchyc has been detained at Novaja Huta border crossing point.

Belarusian opposition activist Maksim Viniarski detained in Moscow

25.02.2014 Belarusian opposition activist Maksim Viniarski detained in Moscow

Belarusian opposition activist Maksim Viniarski was detained during mass arrests in Moscow, where a trial of the “Bolotnaya case” protesters was continued yesterday (mass protests in Moscow in May 2012). As he said on Facebook, he was “detained near the court building”.

24.02.2014 Homel activist may face prison term for solidarity with Ukraine

The police threaten a Young Front activist with a criminal case for an action of solidarity with Ukrainian pro-EU protesters.

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