News on the topic: statement

UCP urges to release and rehabilitate all political prisoners

29.04.2015 UCP urges to release and rehabilitate all political prisoners

On April 28, the Political Council of the United Civil Party adopted a statement which called on the Belarusian authorities to release and rehabilitate all political prisoners.

AZERBAIJAN: Intigam Aliyev sentenced to 7.5 years of jail for human rights work

23.04.2015 AZERBAIJAN: Intigam Aliyev sentenced to 7.5 years of jail for human rights work

Paris-Geneva, April 22, 2015 – The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), strongly condemns the seven and a half year jail sentence handed down today by the Baku Grave Crimes Court against Intigam Aliyev.

New presidential decree in Belarus uses fines and imprisonment as a means to "stimulate" employment

14.04.2015 New presidential decree in Belarus uses fines and imprisonment as a means to "stimulate" employment

Human rights activists call on the Belarusian authorities to immediately annul the presidential decree on the "prevention of dependency on social aid" due to its non-compliance with the international human rights obligations of Belarus.

Amnesty International: Year's first death sentence in Belarus

24.03.2015 Amnesty International: Year's first death sentence in Belarus

A 21-year-old man, Siarhei Ivanou, has been sentenced to death in Belarus. He is the first person sentenced to death in the country this year.

EU Criticizes Belarus Over Death Sentence

20.03.2015 EU Criticizes Belarus Over Death Sentence

The European Union has sharply criticized Belarus, the only European country that applies capital punishment, for sentencing a man to death.

Human rights organizations demand an immediate cessation of the criminal prosecution of political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok and his release from jail

22.01.2015 Human rights organizations demand an immediate cessation of the criminal prosecution of political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok and his release from jail

FIDH, HRC "Viasna" and BHC express deep concern with the serious threats to the life and health of Mikalai Dziadok and emphasize that the entire responsibility for his safety and protection lies with the administration of the prison No. 4 in Mahiliou and the management of the Department of Corrections of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus.

Belarus has new political prisoner – Yury Rubtsou

23.12.2014 Belarus has new political prisoner – Yury Rubtsou

Joint statement by the Human Rights Center “Viasna” and the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Valiantsin Stefanovich speaks against the clear-up of the informational space under the disguise of fight against drug trafficking

05.12.2014 Valiantsin Stefanovich speaks against the clear-up of the informational space under the disguise of fight against drug trafficking

During his speech at the meeting on combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on December 4 the Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich said that there was an urgent need to adjust the legislation related to Internet activities. In particular, in his opinion, all Belarusian Internet users must be prohibited access to the websites put on the list of restricted access.

Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

05.12.2014 Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" and "Belarusian Association of Journalists" urge Belarusian KGB to inform the public about the cause and place of detention of the journalist of the newspaper "Belarusy i Rynak", a member of the NGO "Belarusian Association of Journalists" Aliaksandr Alesin, as well as the essence of the accusation against him.

Threat to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belaruis is legal lynching reminiscent of Soviet times

04.11.2014 Threat to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belaruis is legal lynching reminiscent of Soviet times

We, representatives of Belarusian and international human rights organizations, consider the actions of the Belarusian authorities aimed at annulment of the residence permit and subsequent expulsion of one of the country's leading human rights activists as politically motivated and aimed at the involuntary termination of Elena Tonkacheva's legitimate human rights activities or creation of significant obstacles in the conduct of such activities.

FIDH and Human Rights Centre “Viasna” demand to stop harassment of civil society activist Pavel Vinahradau

15.10.2014 FIDH and Human Rights Centre “Viasna” demand to stop harassment of civil society activist Pavel Vinahradau

International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" protest and outrage over the illegal actions of the Belarusian authorities in respect to the opposition activist Pavel Vinahradau.

Young Christian Democrats demand to put an end to the torture of young activists

13.10.2014 Young Christian Democrats demand to put an end to the torture of young activists

The organizing committee of the public association “Young Christian Democrats” issued a statement concerning the systemic administrative prosecution of young activists

15th Anniversary of Unsolved Disappearances in Belarus

16.09.2014 15th Anniversary of Unsolved Disappearances in Belarus


Civil Rights Defenders' open letter to Azerbaijani authorities concerning the human rights situation in the country

15.08.2014 Civil Rights Defenders' open letter to Azerbaijani authorities concerning the human rights situation in the country

Civil Rights Defenders wish to express our deepest concern over the recent arrests of at least four human rights defenders: Rasul Jafarov, Intigam Aliyev, Leyla Yunus and her husband Arif Yunusov.

Let's support imprisoned Azerbaijani human rights defenders!

01.08.2014 Let's support imprisoned Azerbaijani human rights defenders!

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" encourages the civil society to join the statement of protest against the political persecution of prominent human rights activists in Azerbaijan, which will be sent to the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Belarus next week.

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