36 human rights organizations around the world demanded the release of imprisoned Viasna members

03.03.2024 36 human rights organizations around the world demanded the release of imprisoned Viasna members

One year after the unjust verdict against human rights defenders Ales Bialiatski, Valiantsin Stefanovic and Uladzimir Labkovich, the Observatory and the undersigned organizations call for their immediate and unconditional release

At least 12 detained: what is known about the KGB crackdown on lawyers

01.03.2024 At least 12 detained: what is known about the KGB crackdown on lawyers

Viasna reports what is known about the detentions, and the president of the Belarusian Association of Human Rights Lawyers, Maryia Kolesava-Hudzilina, comments on the persecution of lawyers. 

"Who helps with care packages?" Details of the mass crackdown by security forces on relatives of political prisoners

29.02.2024 "Who helps with care packages?" Details of the mass crackdown by security forces on relatives of political prisoners

Viasna reports what is now known about the persecution of relatives of political prisoners, and human rights activist Pavel Sapelka has commented on the KGB crackdown and recalled important security measures that will help avoid imprisonment.

We demand the rehabilitation of 22 convicted participants of peaceful assemblies

29.02.2024 We demand the rehabilitation of 22 convicted participants of peaceful assemblies

Joint statement by the Belarusian human rights community

Elections*2024. Analytical report  on the results of monitoring the election campaigning

27.02.2024 Elections*2024. Analytical report on the results of monitoring the election campaigning

The expert elections*2024 observation mission was organized by the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Viasna Human Rights Center as part of the "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections" campaign. The mission collects and analyzes information about the election campaign based on open sources and messages from voters from Belarus.

Statement by Russian and International Human Rights Group on the sentence against Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov

27.02.2024 Statement by Russian and International Human Rights Group on the sentence against Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov

Russian and international human rights organizations condemn Moscow’s Golovinsky District Court’s sentencing today of Oleg Orlov.

Statement by the High Representative on parliamentary and local elections in Belarus

27.02.2024 Statement by the High Representative on parliamentary and local elections in Belarus

EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell spoke about the Belarusian elections*.

UN experts call for release from prison of veteran politician suffering from cancer

26.02.2024 UN experts call for release from prison of veteran politician suffering from cancer

UN experts* today expressed concern at the reported critical health condition and ill-treatment in detention of Ryhor Kastusiou.

"A mockery." The world reacts to Belarus deputy elections*

26.02.2024 "A mockery." The world reacts to Belarus deputy elections*

On February 25, the Single Voting Day was held for the House of Representatives and local Councils of Deputies. This took place amid widespread repression and the clearing of the political field of potential opposition candidates.

US State Department issued a statement: The sham elections were held in a climate of fear

26.02.2024 US State Department issued a statement: The sham elections were held in a climate of fear

The United States condemns the Lukashenka regime’s sham parliamentary and local elections that concluded today in Belarus.

Libereco demands an independent investigation into greenwashing by FSC in Belarus

23.02.2024 Libereco demands an independent investigation into greenwashing by FSC in Belarus

In an open letter initiated by Libereco Earthsight, MEPs and environmental and human rights NGOs call for an investigation into the certification of Belarusian penal colonies by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC).

UN experts concerned about new law on freedom of conscience and religious organisations in Belarus

23.02.2024 UN experts concerned about new law on freedom of conscience and religious organisations in Belarus

UN experts* expressed grave concern about recent amendments to Belarusian legislation on freedom of conscience and the activities of religious organisations.

"Language as a protest." The Belarusian language in prisons

22.02.2024 "Language as a protest." The Belarusian language in prisons

According to Article 50 of the Constitution, everyone has the right to use their native language and choose the language of communication.

The OSCE ODIHR regrets that the Belarusian authorities did not invite observers to the upcoming elections

22.02.2024 The OSCE ODIHR regrets that the Belarusian authorities did not invite observers to the upcoming elections

The organization spoke about the decision of the Belarusian authorities not to invite observers to the upcoming elections.

Statement of the Belarusian human rights community on the death of political prisoner Ihar Lednik

21.02.2024 Statement of the Belarusian human rights community on the death of political prisoner Ihar Lednik

Statement of the Belarusian human rights community on the death of political prisoner Ihar Lednik

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