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Andrei Stryzhak: prohibition of peaceful assemblies in Belarus is systematic

2015 2015-04-03T16:54:50+0300 2015-04-03T16:54:50+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Andrei Stryzhak

Andrei Stryzhak

Coordinator of the Youth Network of the Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry (ITUREI) Andrei Stryzhak registered a complaint with the UN concerning the ban of a peaceful assembly by Rechytsa officials. The matter is that on September 8, 2013 he intended to hold a street procession in order to protest against the decision of the Government to abolish the payment of sick leave for parents with children. Now the Government of Belarus will have to find an answer to the question why an actual taboo has been imposed on peaceful assemblies in the country.

i Stryzhak says that the UN Committee on Human Rights has already registered and is considering his complaint against the ban of a peaceful assembly in support of his colleagues from Mikashevichy “Granite” in 2012. Now he has registered a second complaint to show that the prohibition of peaceful assemblies in Belarus is systematic.

enough, in his answer to Mr. Stryzhak Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court, Judge Andrei Zabara wrote that "the national legislation does not contradict to the international law on freedom of assembly, as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights allows for restrictions on the right to peaceful assembly".

At the same time,
the judge said nothing about the practice of the Human Rights Committee, which comes from the fact that it is incumbent on the State to prove each time the purposes for which it prohibits a particular mass event.

Andrei Stryzhak asks the United Nations Human Rights Committee to recognize the fact of violation by the Republic of Belarus of his rights under Article 19 (freedom of expression) and Article 21 (freedom of assembly) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The trade union activist also requests from the United Nations Recommendations for Belarus on bringing the national law on mass events and practice into line with the country's international commitments.

Let us remind that it is already the 180thcomplaint from Belarus, registered with the UN Committee on Human Rights.

Homel Viasna

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