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Every second case in the UN Committee - on the prosecution of expression

2014 2014-10-31T16:16:12+0300 2014-10-31T16:16:12+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Persecution of expression is the most often one in Belarus. Homel Center for Strategic litigation made this conclusion on the bases of analysis of all decisions of the UN Committee on Human Rights made on Belarusian cases. Head of the Center Leanid Sudalenka emphasized: every second Belarusian case considered in Geneva is on prosecution of people for expressing opinions.

Currently United Nations Human Rights Committee made 68 decisions on Belarusian cases and found in 34 of them violations of the right to freedom of expression. Thus, we can say that every second Belarusian case in the UN concerns violations of the right to freedom of expression.
For ease of acquaintance with these cases, human rights defenders divided them into categories: information dissemination - 13 cases; expression opinions during the peaceful meetings - 10 cases; prohibition of peaceful meeting - 4 cases; transportation of printed materials - 3 cases; publication of opinions - 2 cases; information retrieval - 2 cases.

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