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Vitsebsk medic faces provocations possibly connected to critique of state of Belarusian medicine

2012 2012-11-02T17:06:35+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Ihar Pastnou

Ihar Pastnou

The Vitsebsk medic Ihar Pastnou repeatedly raised the daily issued of the Vitsebsk medicine in the press and in the Internet. However, recently he had to apply to the police as somebody is posting provocative materials on the web under his name.

Ihar Pastnou also stated about this incident in his video address, saying that the unknown persons “besmear his friends and acquaintances”. He also said that he was always trying to give publicity to the issues of the Vitsebsk medicine, not to “fling mud”.

He is going to apply to the prosecutor's office if the police don't treat his demand to find the libellers seriously.

On the other hand, the provocation didn't scare Mr. Pastnou. In his video address he reminded that some Vitsebsk hospitals are in a very bad state and the construction of some important medical objects has been protracted for much too long...

Bear in mind, that Ihar Pastnou has already faced some trouble for his public statements (in particular, the one on the “BelSat” TV channel): people in mufti threatened him through the administration of his polyclinics. Earlier, the medic had been dismissed from work several times after addresses to the state media and officials, and even received a summons to a psychiatric expertise once. “However, I have a diploma of a psychiatrist myself, that's why I said my “well-wishers”: “Your diagnosis is the hunger for power!”, said I.Pastnou in an interview with “Narodnaya Volia”.

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