Homel: teachers to count votes in support of school's sponsor
As it became known on 9 August, 10,691 people were
included in the precinct election commissions of the Homel region. 4,557 are
representatives of civil organizations.
70% of the commissions' members are women. The analysis of the established
commissions shows were from such unheard activity of civil organizations stems.
In particular, precinct election commission #2 of the Savetskaya constituency
of Homel is located in the building of secondary school #3. At least 10 out of
14 members of the PEC work in this school as teachers. However, almost all of
them were nominated to the commissions either as “representatives of a group of
citizens”, representatives of the trade union, the “Red Cross” or the
Belarusian Peace Foundation. The school principal Katsiaryna Savenka was
nominated to the commission as a representative of the Belarusian Union of
Women and her deputy Liudmila Paliakova – as a representative of “Belaya Rus”.
10 out of 14 members of the commission worked at PECs during the presidential election of
There is one more interesting peculiarity – the head of a branch of “Homel
Heating Systems” Mikhail Pachynok runs for the Parliament at this constituency,
whereas school #3 is under the patronage of the heating system's branch.
What concerns precinct election commission #1 of the Savetskaya election
constituency, 11 out of its members, are workers of the “Homel Power Supplies”,
including the head of the branch, Eduard Nichyparovich. Bear in mind that both
“Homel Heating Systems” and “Homel Power Supplies” are structural subdivisions
of the state enterprise “Homelenerha”.
“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”