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Marek Migalski’s office launches online campaign for release of Siarhei Kavalenka

2012 2012-06-18T18:21:31+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Siarhei Kavalenka

Siarhei Kavalenka

The office of Marek Migalski, Member of the European Parliament, is starting the website, as part of a campaign initiated by "Libereco - Partnership for Human Rights".

Marek Migalski took over a prisoner’s godparenthood for Siarhei Kavalenka, who was sentenced to 25 months of penal colony. Migalski has for a long time been calling for ensuring an independent medical care, providing access to independent medical expert and for immediate rehabilitation of Siarhei Kavalenka and releasing him.

Apart from information about Kavalenka’s case and a number of actions already taken, the web-site also features a petition to Belarusian authorities regarding this opposition activist, who was convicted for solidarity with democratic values and national symbols.

The authors of the petition are:  Marek Migalski, Siarhei Kavalenka’s wife Alena, and Vladimir Bukovsky, leading member of the dissident movement and human rights defender, who spent twelve years in Soviet prisons, labor camps and was subjected to forced treatment in psychiatric hospitals.

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