‘Young Social Democrats’ denied registration
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Ministry of Justice of Belarus refused to register the pubic association Young Social Democrats – Young Hramada.
The deputy minister of justice Ihar Tushynski said that the reason for it was that the organization charter contradicted to the law: in particular, the charter doesn’t set rules of using property of the public association, Radio Racyja reports.
According to the official, the charter also doesn’t set the rules of registering new members and appealing against decisions of bodies of the public association. The aims of the association, set in the charter don not comply to the Belarusian law.
The member of Young Hramada Aliaksei Sihayeu said commenting on refusal to register, there were errors in changes in the charter, but the officials were also biased when considering documents for registration.At present the lawyers consider the going to the law against the refusal to register the public association, but the final decision will be taken by the central council of the organization that will gather for a session on 17 May.