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Krychau: no equal conditions for campaigning

2008 2008-09-23T12:25:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

Siarhei Niarouny editor of Volny Horad newspaper and candidate in Krychau district # 83, thinks there is no equality in conditions for campaigning.


“There is no equality among candidates, -- Siarhei Niarouny says. – Pro-governmental candidate Belkina is taken to different enterprises and institutions during work time, where she speaks to the staff. No one is organizing such meetings for me. On September 12th I was visited by Alexander Milinkevich and I tried to receive a meeting room for meeting voters. However, the district election commission did not help me, and I had to hold the meeting in the open air.”


Siarhei Niarouny points out, local officials spread leaflets in support of the pro-governmental candidate. Her campaign materials are posted in all shops and other public places. Meanwhile, he received regular refuses in putting his materials near Belkina’s posters.


“Leninski Klich rayon newspaper, -- Niarouny continues, -- publishes statements by Belkina’s agents and local officials who express their support to Belkina. When a member of my initiative group addressed Leninski Klich asking to publish a statement in my support, he was refused. We have complained to the prosecutor’s office. However, time is flying, the campaigning is soon to be over, and that does not help us”.


Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections



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