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Vitsebsk: politically motivated warnings to minors

2008 2008-05-05T18:56:40+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en

The commission on the cases of minors of Pershamaiski district executive committee of Vitsebsk has issued warnings to the 17-year-old pupils of school #38, Krystsina and Viktoryia Chyzh, after the sisters were detained on 16 April, at an action of solidarity with political prisoners.

The pupil of school #17 Yuliya Mikhailava was warned by the commission of Chyhunachny district executive committee.

In all cases the commissions considered the police reports drawn on the girls. On 16 April the girls, together with other members of the BPF Youth, made a live chain along Lenins street, holding large posters with the faces of Aliaksandr Kazulin, Andrei Kim and Siarhei Parsiukevich in their hands.

In the warnings it is specified that if the ‘violators’ are detained once again, theirs parents will be fined 1 050 000 rubles (about 493 US dollars).

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