Activist to Be Tried for Demanding Customs Declaration Blank in Belarusian
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
On 30 August in Homel a trial of a public activist Siarhei Siamionau will take place. Siamionau is charged with refusal to fill in a customs declaration, which is considered as ‘disobedience to legal demands of a customs officer’.
Several days ago Siamionau was returning to Belarus from the Ukraine. At Tserukha crossing point the customs officers demanded from him to fill a declaration. Siarhei answered that he could give the information orally. Then they showed to him a ruling according to which he had to fill in the declaration on demand of customs officers. As a result of a short talk the customs officers composed on him a report for ‘disobedience to their legal demands’. However, the activist did not refuse to fill in the declaration. He agreed to do it in the case they brought to him a blank in Belarusian, the first state language.