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Authorities Involve Janitors with Illegal Election Activity

2007 2007-01-12T10:00:00+0200 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”


Ihar Shynkaryk, deputy chairman of the United Civil Party, applied to Minsk Partyzanski borough election commission and Partyzanski borough prosecutor’s office concerning violation of the suffrage by his rival at Traktarabudaunichy election constituency #54.The candidate to Minsk city deputy soviet asks for checking the fact of distributing visual agitation aids of Mikhail Matusevich, advisor for the Chairman of the State Control Committee, by the employees of the house management office # 64 during their official working hours.

’On 10 December a group of sweepers dressed in the uniform was moving around the settlement of tractor manufacturers sticking visual agitation aids of Mikhail Matusevich to the entrance doors of the neighboring blocks of flats, Ihar Shynkaryk said. During the conversation they confirmed that they worked for the house management office # 64 and were ordered by their management to stick the leaflets of the candidate of the state power and to tear off the leaflet of other candidates. Unfortunately, the uniformed employees refused to introduce themselves.

The United Civil Party candidate also added that a certain part of visual agitation aids of Mikhail Matusevich was distributed without publishers’ imprint and circulation. Samples of that printed matter were forwarded by Ihar Shynkaryk to the election commission. Moreover, he insists on investigating the actual circulation of visual agitation aids of his rival. According to Ihar Shynkaryk, the cost of full-color visual agitation aids of the former deputy chairman of the State Control Committee considerably exceeds the sum provided by the state budget.

Such conclusion was made by the United Civil Party candidate on the basis of calculation of the costs of three kinds of Mikhail Matusevich’s visual printed matter being distributed around the election constituency #54. Ihar Shynkaryk enclosed his arithmetic calculations along with the samples of Mikhail Matusevich’s leaflets to his application.

According to Ihar Shynkaryk’s report to the press-service of the United Civil Party, his leaflets were being torn off the billboards.

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