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Russian printing house breaks agreement with Tovarishch, printed organ of Party of Communists of Belarus

2006 2006-08-07T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

According to the PCB press-service

The newspaper again has no place to be printed in, has said the chief editor of Tovarishch Siarhei Vazniak. According to him the editorial office received the official note about the breach of the printing contract from TMK Ltd., in the printing house of which Tovarishch was printed since 15 March 2006. In the document it is stated that the printing house stops its activity for unknown term because of moving to another location. Due to the good cooperation with the firm the editorial board is apt to believe this information. However, S.Vazniak doesnt exclude the possibility that this can be a result of the activity of the Belarusian secret services.

We must not forget that the Party of Communists of Belarus is pressurized a lot. Knowing about the friendly relations between Moscow city administration and the Belarusian authorities, we can suspect that breach of the printing agreement is one of the actions aimed at liquidation of the party, he said.

At present all Belarusian printing houses refuse to print the newspaper because of its oppositional nature. Thats why the editorial board considers printing in Russia, Ukraine and even in Lithuania. We should remind that it is already the third interruption in printing of the newspaper during the last two years. The first breach of the printing agreement took place in October 2004, the week before the referendum, the second  in March 2006, on the eve of the presidential election. None of the three printing houses had any pretensions to the newspaper.

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