Mahilou Regional Court Board Rejected Complaint Of Siarhiej Niahacin On July 5
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Leader of Mahilou local branch of non-registered Young Front organization Siarhiej Niahacin lodged a complaint demanding to cancel the decision of administrative commission of Mahilou Leninski Borough Court and corresponding decision of court.
This April Niahacin was fined for distribution of non-registered printed materials electoral leaflets of Alaksandr Milinkevich and stickers They are telling lies.
On July 5 the court also rejected the complaint of Mikalaj Malakhau, leader of Kasciukovichy BPF branch. In March he was fined for sticking leaflets in support of Milinkevich at the advertisement boards. The Regional Court Board kept the decision of administrative commission and court decision in force, reports Radio Liberty.