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Major Belarusan Opposition Coalition Subjects Initiated Creation Of Public Committee On Freeing All Political Prisoners

2006 2006-07-06T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The opposition is convinced that criminal persecution of free thinking is direct challenge to international legislation principles.
The criminal trial against ex-candidate for presidency is held in conditions of Soviet totalitarian past restoration in Belarus. Even at the preliminary investigation stage it resembled the trials against state party officials during Stalin times, states special resolution signed by representatives of UCP, Communists, BPF Party, Belarusan Social Democrat Hramada and other coalition subjects on July 5 in Minsk.
The regime created real threat of criminal persecution for those who dare to run for presidency in Belarus. Even more, any ordinary citizen of Belarus may become a victim of non-motivated court trial, says the document.
The most vivid example is trial over Alaksandr Kazulin, former candidate for presidency, who is charged with hooliganism and organization of mass street disorder. The judge rejected all petitions by politicians advocates, filing to the case only 222 personal pledges of citizens. The situation around this case gave a handle for the opposition to announce its distrust to the court.
The opposition announced about creation of a public committee Freedom to Kazulin! (Freedom to political prisoners!). This committee intends to hold a campaign on public control over trials of Kazulin and non-registered initiative Partnership.
Democratic forces addressed members of House of Representatives with the appeal to form parliamentary committee to conduct independent investigation of criminal trial on Kazulin and to clear out the lawfulness of using force and special means against peaceful manifestation participants on March 25, 2006 in Minsk.
The opposition also addressed the governments of European countries, Russia and USA with an appeal to voice their protest against persecution of Kazulin and other activists of opposition. The initiators of the public committee called on to consider Belarusan issue at G-8 summit in St.Petersburg.
International human rights organizations including Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and Freedom House are proposed to declare Alaksandr Kazulin prisoner of conscience.
The declaration is open for signing by other political forces in Belarus, reports internet portal

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