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Gazeta Wyborcha correspondent searched

2005 2005-08-24T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

The particularities relating to the incident with the Polish correspondent of the Gazeta Wyborcza Waclaw Radzinovicz became known, reported the press service of the Charter-97. After his passport was taken away at the border, right after he arrived in Hrodna, he was detained, searched and questioned by the Belarusian police.
At first, the border guards took away the journalist's passport, and then he was searched and interrogated, reports PAHONIA which quotes the Gazeta Wyborcza.
"They counted the money I had with me, fortunately I put it in the declaration so they had nothing to be unhappy about. I was afraid they would put something in my baggage", said the Polish journalist.
Waclaw Radzinowicz believes that the authorities are looking for a reason to deport him from Belarus. On Saturday in Hrodna the repeated sixth congress of the Union of Poles is to take place in Hrodna. Radzinowicz thinks that the Belarusian authorities do not want this event to be covered by independent journalists.

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