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Statement by Secretariat of F.Skaryna BLA

2005 2005-07-27T10:00:00+0300 1970-01-01T03:00:00+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”

In the night of 23 and 24 July the headquarters of the Belarusian Language Association named after Frantsysk Skaryna was attacked: the nameplate, the entrance doors and the walls were all stained with black paint, unidentified people left on the scene stickers featuring swastikas (the Nazi-Bolshevik Party emblem).
Long before the official notification of the attack on the headquarters of the Belarusian Langauge Association, the detailed description of the attack and full support of the action were placed at 02:28 at the site of the Minsk branch of NBP (
What causes particular regret is that the swastika appeared right in the center of the capital of Belarus in the year of the 60th anniversary of the Victory in World War II.
Because these facts show that the attack on the headquarters of the Belarusian Language Association named after F.Skaryna has a clearly political color, we appeal to the KGB of the Republic of Belarus that they find the criminals and punish them according to the law.
Because there is the NBP site and its informers, we hope KGB will be able to find the criminals quicker.
Secretariat of F.Skaryna BLA

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