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Violator of Electoral Code heads PEC in Salihorsk

2015 2015-10-07T12:06:26+0300 2015-10-07T12:06:26+0300 en

The director of the 1st mining plant administration of Belaruskali Aliaksandr Harbachou, who had been forcing his employees to vote, now chairs precinct commission №24 in Salihorsk.

It was written on Facebook by a public activist from Salihorsk Viktar Malochka, who had been registered at this voting precinct as an observer.

“Some of you remember the video on the web, when during a meeting at the 1st mining plant administration of Belkali its director, Harbachou, was urging everyone to vote in the “elections”, and preferably in the early vote, don’t you? If you haven’t watched that, take a look. And I am lucky – tomorrow I am going to be registered as an observer at electoral precinct №24 in Salihorsk, where Mr Harbachou is a member of the electoral commission, and I bet he is to chair the commission!!!” Viktar Malochka wrote on October 4 on the social network.

On the next day his bad feeling proved true.

“I have been registered as an observer at electoral precinct №24 in Salihorsk. So what, you can say… Nothing. Yesterday I said I bet that the director of the 1st mining plant administration of Belaruskali Aliaksandr Harbachou, who on the video had been driving employees to participate in the “elections”, better in the earlier vote, is going to be the chairman. Well, Harbachou is the chairman,” he wrote on October 5.

We remind that on September 9 at the 1st mining plant administration of Belaruskali a meeting of the administration of the plant with engineers and technicians, managers and supervisors of this mining plant, was held.

After an uncovered campaigning for the powers that be, the director of the 1st mining plant administration of Belaruskali Aliaksandr Harbachou, grossly violating Article 5 of the Electoral Code of Belarus, announced to all present that he is going to control the turnout at polling station of all his subordinate workers personally.

“What I am going to demand from you as a person over you is your turnout at the polling day, and I am going to control that to a maximum. On the election day all managers and supervisors would be obliged to report to their superiors about their subordinates who would have gone to the polls, and about those who wouldn’t. As long as we have mobile communications, it is easy. And what is better, don’t wait until the last day, in case you are not sure you would be able to cast your vote on the day of the elections,” Harbachou said.

According to the Article 5 of the Electoral Code of Belarus, “a voter, participant of a referendum personally decided whether to take part in the elections, a referendum, for whom to cast a vote, or what to support in a referendum.”

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