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The second part of the film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” by film producer Viktar Tratsiakou has appeared on the web recently.

2013 2013-09-05T16:40:38+0300 2013-09-05T16:40:38+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Aleh Alkayeu

Aleh Alkayeu

The second part of the film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” by film producer Viktar Tratsiakou has appeared on the web recently.

Aleh Alkayeu, who used to be the head of the remand prison No. 1 in Minsk in 1996-2001 and with the participation of whom 134 death verdicts were executed, tells about the specifics of the activities and the psychological state of the people who executed the death sentences. Mr. Alkayeu states that the stress during the execution has nothing to be compared with.

None of the executors can imagine how the first execution will affect their physical state. During the first-time participation in the process of shooting they get the “time dilation effect” and other signs of post-traumatic syndrome. The names of the executors are secret and even their relatives don't know about this kind of “activity”.

Aleh Alkayeu said: “The execution of the death sentence is a terrible burden that falls on those who implement it. It is difficult to kill a man who hasn't done anything bad to you, to kill without malise and ardour. This is a murder, and a murder never goes unpunished. At war a man shoots from a distance, not alawys knowing whether he gets a hit or miss. This is completely different. That's why the group is secret, so that even the relatives and colleagues wouldn't know what the person does. Murder always remains a murder, even if it takes place according to the law".

The opinions of the human rights defender Valiantsin Stefanovich and the psychiatrist Valdas Banaytis can be also heard in the film.

The film was prepared
within the framework of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the Death Penalty in Belarus”.

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