News on the topic: death penalty

Death penalty music project: on crucifixion and gas chambers

30.09.2013 Death penalty music project: on crucifixion and gas chambers

A joint music project entitled Aposhni Zolak (“The Last Dawn”) is expected to be presented online in early October. Its participants advocate for an end to the practice of the death penalty in Belarus.

Belarusian musicians: Yes to Punishment, No to Death Penalty

25.09.2013 Belarusian musicians: Yes to Punishment, No to Death Penalty

Belarusian rock musicians are preparing for the launch of the new joint project Aposhni Zolak (“The Last Dawn”). Its participants told TUT.BY about the problems of society, crime and punishment, the value of life, lifting the veil of secrecy over the contents of the long-awaited project.

24.09.2013 Priests discuss death penalty

The issue of the death penalty is discussed in Minsk by Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant ministers. Even priests have a lot to discuss, says Yulia Khlashchankova, representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee, in her comment for Radio Free Europe’s Belarus service.

Supreme Court confirms death verdict for Pavel Sialiun

17.09.2013 Supreme Court confirms death verdict for Pavel Sialiun

The Supreme Court dismissed today an appeal against the death sentence handed down on June 12 by the Hrodna Regional Court to Pavel Sialiun, who found guilty of committing four criminal offences, including double murder, theft and desecration of corpses.

Belarusian musicians against death penalty

12.09.2013 Belarusian musicians against death penalty

In early October well-known Belarusian musicians, including Liavon Volski, Hanna Khitryk, Dzmitry Vaitsiushkevich and others, will present a new joint project “Aposhni Zolak” (“Last Dawn”).

The second part of the film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” by film producer Viktar Tratsiakou has appeared on the web recently.

05.09.2013 The second part of the film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” by film producer Viktar Tratsiakou has appeared on the web recently.

The second part of the film “Six Arguments against Death Penalty” by film producer Viktar Tratsiakou has appeared on the web recently.

Minsk band Crowblack dedicates a song to innocent death convicts

04.09.2013 Minsk band Crowblack dedicates a song to innocent death convicts

The Minsk band Crowblack presented on Ultra -Music its song «Burning Cage of Justice». The song tells the story of innocent persons sentenced to death.

Mother of a death convict applies to the head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church

03.09.2013 Mother of a death convict applies to the head of the Belarusian Orthodox Church

Tamara Siliun calls on Filaret to apply to President Lukashenka with a clemency petition and a request to abolish the death sentence towards her son.

Cassation appeal of Homel citizen convicted to death to be considered on 18 October

02.09.2013 Cassation appeal of Homel citizen convicted to death to be considered on 18 October

The consideration of the cassation appeal of the death convict Aliaksandr Hrunou will take place at the panel of judges on criminal cases of the Supreme Court on 18 October 2013.

26.08.2013 Court does not satisfy appeal lodged by Kavalyou’s relatives

Minsk City Court has refused to satisfy the appeal lodged by Uladzislau Kavalyou’s mother and sister.

Flash mob against death penalty in Zurich

26.08.2013 Flash mob against death penalty in Zurich

Zurich activists of Amnesty International staged on Saturday a flash mob against the death penalty in Belarus. In one of the main streets of the Swiss city the activists and human rights defenders placed dozens of symbolic tombstones with inscriptions about the death penalty in Belarus and the recent death verdict for Ryhor Yuzepchuk.

Film "Six Arguments against the Death Penalty" presented online

20.08.2013 Film "Six Arguments against the Death Penalty" presented online

The first film in the series "Six Arguments against the Death Penalty" appeared on the Internet today. Human rights activists and public figures, defendants and their families stress the shortcomings of the judicial system, the existence of torture in Belarusian prisons, lack of preventive effect of the death penalty. They call on the government to abandon capital punishment.

Valiantsin Stefanovich. Ryhor Yuzepchuk’s “secrets of investigation”

16.08.2013 Valiantsin Stefanovich. Ryhor Yuzepchuk’s “secrets of investigation”

As it became known, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Belarus rejected the appeal of Ryhor Yuzepchuk, an inmate of Mahiliou prison sentenced to death earlier this year. The verdict handed down on Yuzepchuk by the Mahiliou Regional Court for the murder of his cellmate finally entered into force.

Mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou urge court to disclose place of burial

19.07.2013 Mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou urge court to disclose place of burial

Liubou Kavaliova and Tatsiana Kaziar, mother and sister of Uladzislau Kavaliou sentenced to death and executed on March 15, 2012 on charges of plotting and committing a terrorist attack on Minsk subway, addressed the court of Kastrychnitski district with a complaint about the illegal actions of the Department of Corrections, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the State Security Committee.

Supreme Court confirms death verdict to Ryhor Yuzepchuk

18.07.2013 Supreme Court confirms death verdict to Ryhor Yuzepchuk

In July 2012, two inmates held at Mahiliou prison murdered their cellmate. The guilty verdict came on April 25, 2013 at Mahiliou Regional Court. One of the prisoners, Ryhor Yuzepchuk, was sentenced to capital punishment. The sentence was later appealed to the Supreme Court.

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